Saturday, July 24, 2004

MY LITTLE BOY IS GROWING UP!  Well, with the exception of night time, Colby is completely potty trained, with I must admit, very little help from me.  He has done this all by himself.  We were in the Superstore today, eating chicken fingers, (his favorite snack) and he looked at me and said "Mommy, I have to pee".  I had put a pull up on him for the trip out just in case, but he decided he wanted to pee in the public washroom.  I will admit, I am not a big fan of public washrooms, but the ones in the Superstore are very well maintained.  The first time we went in, he was afraid and did not want to sit on the toilet.  (We have a toilet seat and step up set up for him here in his bathroom).  We left the bathroom, both of us frustrated, when he told me again that he had to pee and wanted to go back.  And sure enough, he peed.  I was very shocked as I figured since he was afraid to go in the first time, he would just pee in the pull up.  He has had the same pull up on all day and it is still bone dry.  I think it's about time to stop putting pull ups on him when we go out.  He is only going to get one at night for another couple of weeks, then I will stop them all together.  I was looking at him today and wondering where all the time went.  I can't believe my little boy is growing up so quickly.  When we were in the doctor's office waiting for Kassie today, he played with the other kids that were there like he does it all the time.  I am really going to have to look into a morning play group for him for the fall, now that he is trained.  He really needs to get out and socialize with kids his own age.  My girlfriend Sandra has twins that are his age, but she is having issues with getting her son to sleep at night, so I don't feel right showing up there in the mornings. For all I know, they could still be sleeping when I show up.  There has also been a big shake up at work.  All of us on the Resolution Desk have all been promoted to Senior Lead Representatives, which is sort of the equivalent to assistant supervisor, sort of.  It means that we are no longer sitting up stairs segregated from general customer care, but down walking the floor, helping people with questions, and taking escalations when necessary.  Last night was my first night in this new position, and I really enjoy it.  It is much less stressful, as I spend much less time on the phones.  It is also nice to actually see who it is I'm helping.  Some representatives on the floor do not like this new procedure, as there is no longer a 1+hour wait to get to talk to us, so they actually have to work.  Oh well.  I also called and am switching my home phone and internet service to Eastlink. Aliant is still on strike with no end in site, and I'm really sick of it.  I have been waiting for a 120.00 credit on my account for 3 months now, since this strike started. They billed me for the month that I moved in here when I couldn't get them to come out and hook up the phone.  Everytime I drive by protestors I want to stop and ask them if this is really worth it.  They have been on strike for 3 months, and strike pay really can't be paying the bills.  But yet, day after day they are out in all weather holding their signs.  I swear, I will never work for a company that is unionized.  I don't see any union leaders out there holding signs.  And today, with it being so hot, sticky and raining, it really can't be worth it.

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