Saturday, October 02, 2004

Colby and Rob are on their way from Amherst. Rob decided to go up yesterday at lunch time to spend the night, get in a round of golf this morning (which reportedly did not go so well) and then come home. I, for the first time in I don't know how long, had the house completly to myself. I stopped in to see Dad on my way home last night with gifts of coffee (tea for him), and an apple fritter for him. I am still trying to convince him to let me drive the Zamboni, but it is becoming a losing battle. I got home around 12:30 PM, and cleaned the house until 2. The caffeine from the midnight coffee made the cleaning possible. I also struck gold at a dollar store that is closing. I bought all the party paraphonalia for Colby's birthday, in The Cat in the Hat. Hats, balloons, party bags, crap to fill the party bags, table covers, and loads of other stuff. Considering the amount of people that I am inviting, (15 kids with parents), this was a great deal for me. (I have rented the "Beaver Bank Community Hall", and to those who know Beaver Bank, the "Brown Hall" at the top of Woodbine. My thought on this was parking. The park that I live in has narrow roads, and there just won't be enough parking.) The store is closing and everything is 50% off. Not bad for a dollar store! Mom bought 5 christmas gifts for people she worked with, and between her and I we filled 2 stockings for the brat and Anthony! We looked for yard sales, but I think yard sale season is almost offically over. We are going to a dinner theatre tonight, put on by Rob's mom's church. It should be a great time. And as an afterthought to the comment left by "Anonymous", who is the proud owner of the legs I hope Genevieve's baby does NOT get, I don't know who "Bobby" is. Last time I looked, my husband's name is ROB. You've known him for the better part of 8 years, you would think you would know his name by now! Short memories must be a side effect of having chicken legs. MISS ME ADAM?!.

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