Tuesday, March 27, 2007
We're still here
Haven't had much time to post. Came home early from work tonight because Colby is sick again and I'm not feeling the best. Computer has to go back to Staples again because they didn't fix what they were suppose to. Staples customer service sucks! Joey is now crawling all over the place, and his favorite place right now is the dog's bowl. Chili growled at me yesterday when I took the baby away from her food dish when she was eating and then started to play with him. I think she' s convinced that Joey is her baby. And, like a fool, I stood in the livingroom and argued with her! More pics to come soon!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Walking in a fog
Back to work sucks. There is no other way to put it. I am working 4:30 - 1Am Monday to Friday. The kids were both sick and we're in the middle of trying to repaint the house and put laminate floor in the bedroom. We're all tired and cranky, well all except Colby. That kid has never ended energy. I wish I could bottle it. Or inject it.
Rob's mom turned 60 last weekend (HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY GRAMMA) and Nicole and I (well, mostly Nicole) threw a surprise party for her. She was quite shocked. Nicole's house was full to capacity and then some. Everyone had a great time.
Joey loved this balloon, as you can tell!
Of course big brother had to get in on the action!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
A little too close for me
This article appeared in the paper on Friday. I was driving to work Friday afternoon and heard this on the news. This is my cousin's house. It was her and her daughter home at the time. What is this world coming to when someone drives by a house and shoots at an innocent woman and her child in a house???
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Lunar Eclipse
There was a full lunar eclipse tonight. I missed most of it because I was out with my sister but managed to get these shots of the other end of it. I love my camera and tripod!
My maternity leave is drawing to a close. I go back to work full time as of Monday. Rob is on vacation next week to help me get adjusted to working nights again, and to let the boys get adjusted to me not being here for bed time. Well, let's face it, it will be more traumatic for me than for them I'm sure. I am in training for the next 4 weeks at work so it will be an easy adjustment back there. I will be working 4:30 PM to 1:00 AM, which is going to really suck for the first couple of mornings getting up. The great thing is that the week that Rob goes back tow ork and I have the boys by myself Colby will be on March break so I don't have to get up and drive him to school. The boys will be spending 2 days a week in Timberlea with Nicole, 1 afternoon /evening a week with Kassie, and 2 days with Mom and Dad. It's a bit of travelling for me with them, but at least I know they are safe and being cared for.
In anticipation of going back to work, I went to get my hair trimmed today. Being on maternity leave made me very relaxed with my hair, opting to just throw it in a ponytail or a dewrag. I went to see a great hairdresser I know, and after chatting with her, decided to go very different. I also did something I don't ever do. I took my own picture. I read Tawny's blog all the time and she is forever putting pictures of herself on there, so I thought "what the hell". I have been asked by many people who look at OMG Photography if there are any pictures of me on there as they want to see who is behind the camera. I am much more comfortable hiding behind my camera than being in it, and have never really liked pictures that other people have done of me.
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