Friday, December 31, 2010
Goodbye 2010, hello 2011
2010 was, well it was quite a year. It was a year of great happiness and a year of great sorrow for many around me. My boys each celebrated their birthdays in the North, something that has not happened since moving. My sister-in-law had a beautiful little boy, my friend had a beautiful little girl, and another friend met her daughter and said goodbye to her daughter in the same moment. I've become closer to a woman who I've never actually met , to the point I would call her one of my closest confidants. We did a lot of travelling this year all over Saskatchewan and into Alberta. My boys finally visited the West Edmonton Mall and we have all become very settled and comfortable in this community. I am almost finished a 2 year Early Childhood Certificate program, paid for by my employer, and have a photography business that is really taking off. Happy New Years to you, my blogger friends and family. Here's hoping 2011 is all you want it to be, and more.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Hello my name is Tina and......
I am a yarn hoarder. I was talking to my sister on the phone this evening and we were chatting about what she'll be doing when she comes here in February. The topic of knitting came up, as she is trying to teach herself how to knit. I told her crocheting is much easier and more fun to do, at least in my opinion. Which got us to talking about how much yarn I have here. I told her I would take a picture for her. I started collecting yarn last year when I had a crocheting club going in the evenings with a few ladies here in town. I was in a thrift store and found some great deals on yarn (BOXES full for $5.00 sort of deals). I labourously sorted through the boxes, winding up the balls of yarn, and even tying the little ends together to make big balls of multi colored yarn. Rob keeps threatening to throw it all away, because I honestly don't crochet much anymore because I don't have a lot of time. I can throw just about anything else away, but I can't throw ANY of the yarn away, and if I am at a rummage sale or a thrift store and see yarn, I just HAVE to buy it. I have no problem giving it away to people who need some, and I have a friend who will often call me up to see if I have a certain color because she is starting / finishing a project and doesn't have the right color. I can't help it. Here, let me show you what I mean.
The main supply. I put Joey's Tonka truck next to it to give you an idea of how big and full this is. This one is kept in the closet in the playroom, because Rob kept giving me grief about it when he saw it in our closet.
This bag is in our closet, and it's full also.
This bag has a much of smaller balls of various colors in the bottom, plus a few patterns and some hooks of various sizes. This is the "emergency" bag that I keep inside the door for when we're going on road trips and I don't have time to pack a project to work on in the truck.
Even as I type this, I realize how crazy this looks. Everyone has to have one obsession right?
Monday, December 27, 2010
Christmas in pictures
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Only my husband
Earlier this year Rob and I decided that we would not spend a lot of money on ourselves this year because we are taking a mini "just us" vacation in February and I wanted to save our money to spend there. Of course, with my husband this went in one ear and out the other. I, being true to my word, kept within the budget we "ahem" I set, and of course he blew it right to hell. The only thing I wanted for Christmas is a Kindle, or some version of it. (For those of you who don't know, (MOM), a Kindle is an electronic reader. When we were in Edmonton, Colby let it out of the bag that him and his dad we in an electronics store asking the sales rep about e-readers, so I have been very quiet about knowing what I was getting for Christmas. I even accidently saw an email come in about Kobo, so when I saw that well, I knew for sure. Rob has been super secretive and dropping hints about Christmas, so I didn't want to burst his bubble by telling him that I knew what he bought me. The only thing he said is that he blew the budget out of the water, but it was OK because the gift he bought me we both could use. So Christmas morning he keeps this box for me to open very last and I was preparing to pretend to be surprised when I saw my e-reader. Well, when I opened the box I was confused when I saw the Apple symbol and it took me a second to realize that he didn't buy an e-reader, he bought an I-Pad. And when he turned it over I started to bawl. Can you see the inscription? No, here I'll give you a closer look.
He knew I'd be pissed when I saw it, knowing how much they cost. I wasn't pissed, I was in shock. I really didn't know what to think. I felt horrible because I stayed within our budget (which was 200.00 including stocking) and he .. well, you know how much this cost. But, now that I've had 2 days to get used to it, I love it. And I'm very quickly filling up my e-library with free books, because let's face it, I'm cheap. :)

Friday, December 24, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
The smartest idea I ever stole from someone else
We went to a house one time and a friend of ours had something like this set up. The mom (super smart savvy woman she is) used a shoe organizer just inside her door for her kids to put their hats and mitts in. I have been using a laundry basket at the top of the closet and it has been a nightmare. When we went out of town the other day Rob found one and I have to say, it works like a charm. You're welcome. :)
Since I'm not allowed to put this on Fac@book

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Happy birthday for the 16th time
Monday, December 06, 2010
My crazy kid
My kids are addicted to Netflix, and more specifically Myth Busters. Joe has now decided that he is Jamie, and has been dressed like this all night. The "beret" is his touque flattened out, and add Rob's old glasses frames (we popped the lenses out long ago and he loves playing with them) and viola! Jamie it is. Only my kid.
Friday, December 03, 2010
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