One year ago today my world was turned upside down and inside out with no warning it was coming. It still hurts, so much at times it stops me in my tracks. It hurts a lot less now, time has a tendency to do that. I received a phone call tonight from a woman who I love dearly. This woman opened her heart to me and my family and I miss her so very much. She called because she knew it was almost a year since we left. Tomorrow will be one year since Rob received the visit from head office that they no longer wanted us and we had to leave. It tore a huge hole in my family's heart that has never truly healed. Some people just don't understand the impact. I have heard many times over the last year "well I lost my job unexpectedly too so I know what you are feeling". No you don't. We didn't just lose a job, we lost our family's way of living and a community of people who we love and who love us. With that being said, we have done alright in the past year. My boys are happy, although they both keep asking when we are going to visit Saskatchewan, Rob is finally working in a job that he enjoys, and me? Well, the winds of change are again blowing in my direction but that is another blog post. What I can say us regardless of what day it is, at the end of the day I go to sleep beside the man I fell in love with 20 years ago and in 2 weeks we will celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary. My kids are safe and my husband is happy. Everything else is gravy.