Our continuing adventures back on the East Coast.
My day started off on a bad note, after receiving a phone call that a well respected member of the community passed away in his sleep early this morning. We are all saddened by this loss. Throughout the course of the morning, I received 3 more calls from different people in the community to let me know that this man had passed. I was very touched that people thought to call us and let us know. It really shows how much we're accepted in this community.
I spent the afternoon with the boys just hanging around the house, and had supper with good friends of ours. We bbq'd ribs, kabobs, and had pasta salad, rice, grilled potatoes and meat balls. It was quite the feast. And now, the Red Bull is waiting in the fridge, as Rob will be home tomorrow. As much as I'm glad he got to spend the weekend with his family, I really can't wait for him to come home!