I am not even sure that anything can be done at this point, according to your customer service department I have been given all the options. I am just really not happy with any of these options. I am not looking for one of the new fancy phones, that really doesn't appeal to me. What I need is a device that works and that is reliable, which is something I do not have right now, and I get the impression of your company via your customer service department that unless I want to pay hundreds of dollars, I'm out of luck. Unless of course I want to find a used one somewhere like kijiji, which is the advice the first representative gave me.
Friday, October 29, 2010
My letter to the president of Saskt*l
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Our trip to Saskatoon.. in pictures of course
Friday, October 15, 2010
I feel I need to post SOMETHING
I was also really busy the last couple weeks with pictures, so much that I started stressing that I was not getting pictures edited. I have decided that I am going to take a little break from pictures until the end of November (I have already committed to a wedding then and I will be more than up to date at that point). There are other people here in town and people from out of town that travel into town that promote their photography so I'm just gonna step back for a while. People that really want me to take their pics will still call me, otherwise I'm just going to stop for a while. Guess that means you'll be seeing more and more pictures of my kids here.
I will also try to blog more. I feel really guilty that the blog gets pushed to the side because I spend so much time on the computer doing other things. So you'll be seeing a lot more of me and my kids around here. :)
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Yep, we did it
Friday, October 01, 2010
"Are you sure you didn't have a child with Adam?"
So, now that you're all laughing, and some are just down right confused, I'll distract you with pictures, because that's what I do.