Sunday, February 20, 2011

Part 2

So we get up the next morning at 6 am and head out on the roads. I would be lying if I said I was not scared, but thankfully the roads were snow covered and full of traction. We arrived at the airport in loads of time. Rob and I were not able to get on the same flight, so he left 4 hours before I did. Luckily I had my sisters phone and amused myself by taking pictures with it. I arrived in winnipeg 8 pm that mint, and surprise surprise it was storming. I shared a cab with a very wealthy woman named Marilyn and after a ride through what I would think was the richest part of Winnipeg I arrived at the hotel. I spent a very relaxing week at the hotel, enjoying sleeping in and doing a lot of computer stuff I never have time to do. I met some great people, met up with some that I haven't seen in years (like my pool boy) and gained a new appreciation for raspberry vodka and seven up. I met a few people that I hope to meet up with again, and even fabricated a story with a girl named Tamar about us being life partners. It was really a great time and I hope I get the opportunity to go back again next year. Stay tuned for more...

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