I just finished reading Tawny's blog and she was talking about compromise. There are a few people who still don't know, so I am telling you now and explaining the why. We had originally planned to drive back to Halifax this summer, to bring the motorcycle and bring back my blanket chest (which I will still get out here someday). This was all based on Rob getting 4 weeks vacation to do this, as it takes the better part of a week to drive there each way. We also ordered our passports so we could drive down through the states to make it more of an adventure. Well, unfortunately Rob was NOT able to get the 4 weeks like we were hoping (he is only entitled to 3 weeks per year), so we have had to cancel the trip. 3 weeks is just not enough time to drive to Halifax and back. We would be spending more time in the truck than we would actually spend there. That just isn't a good plan, and since it is so so close to summer plane tickets for the 4 of us are astronomical (think more than 4000.00 in plane fare ALONE). That's not counting renting a vehicle, and we have to eat and have some spending money. That's just waaaay more than we budgeted and saved for. As much as I love our family, it has taken us much too long to get out of debt to jump headfirst back into it. So our vacation as been postponed. We knew the boys would be dissapointed when we told them we were not going, and since he does have vacation approved already for the summer, we decided that we would finally take a family vacation, just the 4 of us. So we are going here:

This is a horse ranch in southern Alberta. It is close enough to drive to, and we are staying there for a week. We are only 2 hours from Banff (yea baby we're going!!), an hour away from Calgary and an hour away from Drumheller. Lots of day trips planned, and of course when staying on a horse ranch at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, we do a day of horse back riding! As much as I miss my family in Nova Scotia and am heartsick that I won't see them for another year (with the exception of Hubby #2 who is coming in October, the inlaws who are coming in November and my mom who is coming for Christmas), this makes it a little easier. And of course, there is always Skype.