Friday, June 30, 2006
Pro bowlers

Jean and Nicole took the kids bowling on Tuesday and as you can see the kids had a blast.
Tagged Again Compliments of Tawny over at LocobellaTuna
5 Things in My/Our Refrigerator:
1) A full bottle of prepared Isomil
2) Pineapple (fresh, of course)
3) Raspberry Juice (the only juice Colby will drink)
4) 3 types of mustard (regular, honey and spicy bold)
5) Bottled Water
5 Things in My/Our Closet:
1) Artificial Christmas tree pole (not enough room for it with the rest of the tree)
2) Clothes
3) Rubbermaid container of Christmas paper
4) Gift bags
5) Sleeping bag
5 Things in My Handbag / Backpack:
1) Toothpaste and tooth brush
2) Wallet
3) Latest Avon book (of course)
4) Keys
5) Mini Purell
5 Things in My/Our Car:
1) Stroller
2) Booster seat for Colby
3) Base for carseat for Joey
4) Misc papers and mail that has not made it to the house
5) At least 1 Tim Horton's cup at any point in time
5 People to Tag:
1) Rob
2) Adam
3) Brad
4) Jenn
5) Genevieve
(for 3, 4, 5 just leave them as comments on this blog as none of you have your own blogs, YET)
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Poor little bugger can't get a break
I must admit I'm bummed this weekend as we were suppose to go to New Brunswick. It's been forever since we were up there, but with the baby battling colic at night and now this thrush issue, there's no way we could have made it.
We aquired bunk beds for Colby off Freecycle and are planning on setting them up this weekend. I put Colby's mate bed at mom's on freecycle and received over 20 emails from people who wanted it. It was picked up this afternoon, so now we have room to move Colby's bed from here over to mom's and then set up the bunk bed. We're not going to set up the bottom bunk, but use it for a play area for Colby. He's very excited.
We traded dining sets with Nicole and Lloyd, with them taking the big set we had here and we took to her small table and 4 chairs. We now are able to sit in the livingroom and look into the kitchen as the window is no longer blocked off with the china cabinet. I'm very excited about it.
We are getting Joey baptized next Sunday. I will soon be digging out his baptism outfit, here's hoping it fits!
Monday, June 19, 2006
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Just a favor please
Crazy Crazy life
We are coming to the conclusion that Joey has colic. There doesn't seem to be any other answer. We have switched his formula from Similiac to Isomil, he was still really gassy and uncomfortable so on the advice of a pediatrician we switched him again to Alsoy. That lasted for 1 bottle because he became instantly gassy and in a lot of pain. So, back to Wal Mart I went to exchange the formula back to Isomil, which we know at least he will drink. I have never seen a kid with so much gas and in so much pain because of it. We now do not leave the house without a bottle of Gripe Water and Ovol, which both sometimes help. But, at least he sleeps great through the night when we get through "fussy time", which begins around 6pm and ends around 10pm. If we can get him to eat something between this time, and it is never at the same time, he will fall asleep around 10ish and sleep until around 3ish, and then we're back in bed and he'll sleep until around 7ish.
When we took him to the pediatrician yesterday, she walked in and said "So, how old is he?" even though she had the chart in her hand. When I told her "5 weeks", she said "Holy crap, what did you do, give birth to an elephant?" She said if we hadn't told her she would have thought Joey was 3 months. She weighed him and he topped the scales at 11.7lbs. He has already outgrown all his 3 month clothes and is now in 6 month pjs due to his length.
Colby started soccer last week. He's amazing at it and he really loves it. There are pictures on the digital camera that as soon as I get another moment they'll be posted here!
Friday, June 09, 2006
Crazy blogger!