Friday, April 23, 2004
Well, time is running short. We close on the trailer Wednesday, so that will give us a day to clean before we move in. The other people had 2 cats and I want to steam clean the carpet before we move it. I am taking advantage of the time I get with Colby this week, as next week will be very rushed. We go to the lawyer's tuesday morning, he's spending the night with mom and dad tuesday night, we walk through the trailer wednesday so I'll see if mom and will just hang on to him, Kelly and BJ will pick him up from mom's after they get off work and bring him home for a night, he goes back to mom and dad's on thursday and they'll keep him friday when we move, and he's spending the night with gramma and poppa on Friday night. So I'll have him monday and a couple mornings, and then I'll get him back Saturday. Not that I won't have enough to fill my time with, but man, that's a long time away from him. Thankfully I have wonderful family support to make this all happen. It's still hard to be away from him though. Working this shift (3:30-12) or 5:1:30 as I have been working, gives me some wonderful time for just Colby and Mommy. I know I won't always have this time, as I know before long he's not going to want to spend all day with his mom. I'm just glad that I can do this.
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Well, I just had a big blurb typed and Colby decided to delete it all for me. Such a great kid. I took pictures of him on Sunday which of course I had developed yesterday. My little boy is growing up way too fast. We took him around the subdivision yesterday on his Red Radio flyer car. He loved it. He loves to be outside. The house is about 1/2 packed. The big stuff is done, like the basement and the kitchen. We are now living amongst boxes. We have moved up the closing date on the trailer. We will take possession on Wednesday, so I will have a day to clean it before we move in on Friday. I can't believe we're moving next week!
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Well, everything is said and done. Our house has a sold sign, and the new one does too. The mortgage chick was here this morning and all papers are signed. Now we really have to start packing. We have packed up most of the basement so far. I have 2 boxes of stuff for a yard sale that I'm going to have with a friend of mine in about a month. I am also getting rid of most of my baby stuff, but I'm having a hard time trying to decide if I want to sell the crib. Most of the other big stuff has been accounted for, except for the swing and the high chair, which is going in the yard sale. We were approved to move into Sackville Manor today. Just a formality, but the park owner seems really nice. So far at least. I was driving around the park yesterday, and I really can't wait to move in. And for a park that is just of Highway 101, you don't hear any road noise, which is very nice. Rob painted Colby's new bed last night. We are going to move him to a "big boy" bed when we move. Now all I have to do is get him out of pull ups!
Friday, April 09, 2004
Well, we did an inspection on the trailer today. Just a few little things. Looked at the bathtub again. *sigh*. I can't wait for my first swim. I've never had a 2 person soaker tub before. Looks like one that was in a bed and breakfast we stayed in, although mine does not have jets! We are all thankfully over the flu. What a rough week. And we finally have a sold sign on the house! Time to pack!
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Well, it looks like I should have my sold sign by the weekend, hopefully. Rob and Don are going to do an inspection on the trailer on Friday. That should be interesting. We are all almost over our flu. What a rough week it has been. Colby is still not eating a whole lot, but is eating Pedalyte Freezies, so I am not concerned about him becoming dehydriated. I have also gone through an enormous amount of apple juice with him this week. Colby is now back in his Harry Potter stage. We watched the movie tonight. But, at 8:45 we turned it off right in the middle, he grabbed Mr. Murphy and off to bed he went. Bed time is the easiest part of the day for him. We are very lucky that way.
Monday, April 05, 2004
Well, we frantically put a bid on the trailer we wanted in Sackville AND GOT IT! They have no problem being out by April 30th. Which is 25 days from now. All the appliances are included. It is a counter top range, wall oven, dishwasher, fridge, stand up freezer and washer and dryer. I will be selling the washer and dryer as we have our own. They did the inspection on our house yesterday. I must say, he's not the brightest bulb in the box. When the offer initially was presented to us, they wanted the drapes, drapery hardware, FIREPLACE, (yes, you read that right), FLOORING, MANTLE. Who in their right mind is going to rip up the floor? And I'll tell ya, for anyone who has seen my house, if you can take the fireplace out, you can have it! Even when the inspection was done yesterday, they were questioning if we put the fireplace in and if it is up to code. My fireplace is a wood fireplace and it built into the damn house! What a wingnut. They also want a certificate from ADT to prove that the ADT box on the wall is actually from ADT and is monitored by them. So I have to go to ADT tomorrow to get a certificate from them. I'm almost regretting taking this guy's offer. What a pain in the ass. And, he hasn't even finalized the deal yet because he wanted to call his insurance to make sure a house with a fireplace will be covered. Because, as you know, I'm the only person in the WORLD who has a wood fireplace in their livingroom!!!!
Anyways, we are the house of the sick this weekend. It started Thursday night with me, then Friday with Colby and all weekend with the both of us. I am home tonight because I can barely talk and feel like crap. Life is fun.
Thursday, April 01, 2004
WE HAVE ACCEPTED AN OFFER ON THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They want to close on April 30, 2004. We are going to see the place that we want tonight (it's back on the market) and are going to place a bid on it. Looks like if all goes as planned we will be moving in 4 weeks! Holy S**T!
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