I changed the look for the 3rd time on this blog, and I really like this one. Colby spent at least an hour today on the computer,
NAGIVATING AROUND CBCKIDS.CA. My son, who is not yet three, has mastered how to navigate all through the site (there are many different rooms to play in) AND when he's done, he will turn off the monitor and the modem! My little boy is growing up much too fast. I took today and tomorrow as vacation days, so I get to spend 4 days home with him. I think we both needed it. We set up a fishtank today. Well, to be honest, the fish tank has been set up for a week but we got the fish today. They were actually given to us by a friend of BJ's, and they are HUGE! They are albino tinfoil barbs. Big white fish with pink eyes. Kassie and Anthony came out to spend the afternoon here and Anthony decorated the tank. That boy really has a talent for that. I will be taking pictures very shortly. And, speaking of pictures, here is the latest pictures I took on the weekend. We went to see Gary Beals on Tuesday at Mic Mac Mall where he was releasing his new CD. It is the first CD that I have bought in a long time. I must admit, I have a HUGE crush on Gary. He's just too cute for words.