Monday, September 27, 2004
Great news!
I just found out that one of my closest friends, Genevieve, is expecting. I am soo happy for them. They, like us, did not have an easy time with this. I know exactly what she is feeling, after waiting and trying for so long to conceive. I just hope that baby gets Genevieve's legs and not Adam's!
Sunday, September 26, 2004
Mommy, your car is a piece of crap!
Finally, a moment to update. I just finished mopping the floors (what fun) and while it's drying I thought I would share the last couple of days. I booked the church for Kelly and BJ for July 30th, 2005. When I was talking to the church secretary, she asked me, "For 2 or 4?" Puzzled, I replied, "well, 2 of course". Then she proceeded to tell me that they don't recommend 2 becuase of receptions, and would really prefer 4. After a moment of silence, I replied, "well, there is only 2 of them getting married!". The spontanous burst of laughter on the other end made me realize she was talking about 2PM or 4PM, not 2 or 4 people. Needless to say, 2 people are getting married at 4pm. Secondly, Rob and I decided to swap cars on Friday since he was off and my car needed gas. I get a text message at work around 4 pm stating, "Your Fxxx car died". You have to understand, when I first bought my car, we had a real issue with the car shutting off. I was extremly puzzled and asked him if he put gas in it. He replied he didn't, but there was still lots of gas left. Well, on my home from work I put gas in the car, and it started up first try. Rob still believes that there may be a problem, but between you and I, I think the problem was lack of fuel. The only reason I am sharing this story, is of course Rob had Colby with him, and when the car died, he stated in frusteration "This car is a piece of crap". Well, you can just guess what Colby says everytime he now sees my car. "Mommy, your car is a piece of crap". Out of the mouth of babes. I also bought him "Love you Forever" by Robert Munsch, as he is really into reading. Well, if anyone who has a little boy has ever read this book, it is a real tear jerker. I only made it halfway through the book and started bawling! Poor Colby didn't know what to do. Now, whenever he brings me that book, I tell him I can't read that one and we read something else. If you haven't read it, I would suggest reading it, if you can get through it. I also just finished reading "The DiVinci Code", by someone or another ( don't remember the author). Kelly loaned it to me when I was in Amherst, and what a FABULOUS book! I highly recommend it to anyone. I read it in about 4 days. There is now a line up of people that want to read it! Floor is now dry, off for a swim before work!
Monday, September 20, 2004
Colby and I spent the weekend in Amherst with BJ and Kelly. Colby had a blast. He was most impressed with the hardwood floors, because he kept trying to skate and would fall flat on his ass! They have a beautiful apartment. The outside is not very astethically pleasing, but the inside makes up for it. When you first walk in it, it smells like a museum. All that is missing is the red velvet ropes. So Rob has been transferred. He will be going to Winners in Bayer's Lake. We're unsure as to exactly when, but it will be a good change for him. It's more adminstrative in nature. He's excited. They keep changing the date of when he's going. I took pictures in Amherst. I have to finish the roll off and then I'll get them developed and posted!
Colby and I spent the weekend in Amherst with BJ and Kelly. Colby had a blast. He was most impressed with the hardwood floors, because he kept trying to skate and would fall flat on his ass! They have a beautiful apartment. The outside is not very astethically pleasing, but the inside makes up for it. When you first walk in it, it smells like a museum. All that is missing is the red velvet ropes. So Rob has been transferred. He will be going to Winners in Bayer's Lake. We're unsure as to exactly when, but it will be a good change for him. It's more adminstrative in nature. He's excited. They keep changing the date of when he's going. I took pictures in Amherst. I have to finish the roll off and then I'll get them developed and posted!
Monday, September 13, 2004
Off to Amherst!
Well, my new schedule at work is in place. I am now off at a reasonable time and am home before midnight! Yeah for me! Now, the trick is to get to bed and sleep before 3. Had a hard time last night. Even though I was home by 11:30, I still was up until almost 2. Luckily for me Colby slept until 9:30! Lindsay and Cody came for a visit today. Well, it worked out that Cody came to visit me and Lindsay came to visit Colby! They were off playing chase and reading books, and I got to play with the baby and feed him. Yes, a little bit of the "baby bug" bit me, but it's over now! Colby and I are going to Amherst this weekend to visit B.J and Kelly. Weather depending, I am going to take Colby to the Magnetic Hill Zoo, and maybe I'll be able to convince Uncle B to spend some quality time with his nephew and Kelly and I will go shopping in Moncton! We'll see what happens. Colby now knows all the words to Uncle Kracker's "Rescue" and loves to sing it in the car. He is just too funny. I am having a problem getting him to eat. The little bugger just won't eat. I don't know what to do. He at breakfast, somewhat, a piece of toast with PB, and then wouldn't eat any lunch, and when we went to Costco with Don and Jean today he stated that he was hungry, and ate a full 1/4 lb hot dog and fries, and then nothing until I convinced him to eat a yogurt before bed. I hate it when he doesn't eat, but this is normal, right?
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Finally new pictures!
As promised, here are the pictures that I took. I also took new pictures on Sunday at Kelly's mom's house of "Baby Cody". There will probably be a fair amount of pictures, but this is what this blog is for!
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Beach pictures re-done
Well, I was all prepared to scan and post the new pictures that I took on Sunday. Rob, Colby and I went to Queensland Beach to take pictures. We took Colby there when he was 7 months old and anyone who has been in my house knows my "beach pictures". Well, I re-did the same poses. If I do say so myself, they came out amazing. Rob has been playing with the computer and now the scanner is not working. Blah! They will be posted hopefully tomorrow.
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