Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Finally updated pictures
I have been horribly slack with getting pictures scanned and posted. Although, in defense, I have been better than some lately (you know who you are) that have been neglecting their blogs all together!! Here is all the significant pics from Halloween until now. The pictures of Kelly we actually took today.
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Freakin' Snow!
We are in the middle of a blizzard warning, though you would never know it from the weather today. It was absoutely beautiful out. Snow is starting to fall now and it's just after 11PM. It should be interesting to see how much is down when we get up. Rob and I just finished redecorating the bedroom as we received a new Bed In A Bag from his parents. It is a beautiful black and white, and will work really well with the black and white pictures we have. Mom and I went to see Phantom of the Opera today at the Oxford theatre. I'm glad it was showing there as it is such a beautiful theatre. It was an amazing movie. Mom loved it. Never did hear from Adam and Genevieve. I was under the impression that they were coming down here for Christmas, but I know she hasn't been feeling the best so travelling may not have been her forte. I'm going to have to try to touch base with them tomorrow as I'm off work, unless they read this first. If so, CALL ME!
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all of you. I hope your Christmas was as exciting and enjoyable as ours has been. We woke up at 8:30 and Colby was soo excited! He was extremly excited to see that Santa ate some of the cookie that was left out for him and drank all his milk! Mom and Dad came over to watch him upwrap his presents. He absoutely loved it! It was definately the best Christmas I can remember. Santa is alive and well again in our hearts through Colby. It was topped when he opened his phone. He still hasn't put it down, and has been calling people on it all day! Mom and Dad stayed for breakfast and then we went over to Grammas, where Nicole and Great Nannie were. We stayed there for a little while for him to open his stocking that Santa left there and to play with his new remote control cars. Poppa even called from the ship while we were there and Colby got to talk to him and wish him Merry Christmas. From there we went to Gramma Jeannine's to open even more presents. Jeannine's son Jason (Adam's older brother) broke the news that he and his long time girlfriend Andrea ae getting married on May 15th on an Alaskan cruise. I told Adam that, as his wife, he should take me with him as his date for the wedding. I told him that you will never get a better wife than me, because I will help him find women to cheat on me with and will encourage him to do so! I'm still working on him for that one. From there, we went to pick up Kassie and Anthony and bring them out to mom's for her big dinner. We had Christmas yet again at her house, but by this time I think Colby was Christmas'ed out and didn't really show a lot of interest in opening gifts. Dinner was amazing, as usual, with turkey, stuffing, veggies, greens (any true newfoundlander will know what this is), salt beef, cabbage and the best gravy in the world. This was topped off with coffee and a choice of blueberry or strawberry-rhubarb pie, lemon pie, partidge berry loaf or fruitcake. I am soo stuffed. And to think, we'll do it all over again next week for New Years! Dad got his digital camera, and we got a webcam. We will have that set up shortly and look forward to chatting with it!
Sunday, December 19, 2004
I hate guessing games
Scrooge, you honk. I hate guessing games. 6 more sleeps! Only 3 more working days and then I'm off for 4 days!!! I am off tomorrow and Colby and I will be venturing out to the mall to get his picture taken with Santa. We went to Alexander and Madeline's birthday party today. I took 2 rolls of pictures. Sandra had a cake for them that had their picture on it. So, you could literally eat the face right off your kid!
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Happy Birthday to the Love of my Life
Today is Rob's birthday. It is now the 10th birthday that I have had the fortune of sharing with him. He is off today and for the rest of the weekend. He certainly deserves it. Happy birthday honey.
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
T'is the Season to Give!
I took Colby to our kids staff christmas party on the weekend. Unbeknownst to me, Colby wanted Santa to bring him a phone. I did not know this, and Santa brought him a remote control car. He told me on the way to the party that Santa was bringing him a phone, and was very dissapointed when he didn't. Needless to say I felt like a big pile of poop. So, when he and I were in the Superstore today, I stopped at an Aliant kiosk ( I am not even an Aliant customer) I asked them if they had any damaged or defective phones that they could sell me. I explained to the girl that my 3 year old son wanted a silver flip phone like Poppy's from Santa. Her and her supervisor tore the kiosk apart looking for a demo that they had, and low and behold they freakin' found one! Colby did not see it as he was mesmorized by all the phones there, and the supervisor slipped it in my pocket so he wouldn't see! When I asked her how much, she said that it was free! I cried all the way out of the Superstore, and again at work when I told Sandra about it. Those women just don't realize what an amazing gift they have given me. Colby will now get a silver flip phone (it is a demo Samsung phone, the one with the panda on the screensaver) and he will truly believe that Santa brought it for him because that is all he wanted! Such a small gesture on their part, and a HUGE impact on Colby. *sniff*. Makes me cry again just thinking how excited he is going to be on Christmas. And, yeah for me, I have Christmas off! I was initially scheduled to work 3 - 11:30 on December 25th. But, one of the girls wanted to work for the extra money, so I more than willing gave her mine! That means, I am off December, 24, 25, 26, 27!! 4 days off! Better than a vacation!
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Girls Night!
I am just sitting here waiting for Sandra, Alisha, Cindy and Michelle to come over. We decided a couple weeks ago that we would have a Girls Night, no kids, no men, just us and maybe a bottle or two of wine. I have been looking forward to this all week. Rob and Colby just left to go see Sponge Bob Square Pants the movie. I am sitting here in our new computer chair (thanks Dad) and it's the MOST COMFORTABLE chair I have ever sat in. Not the prettiest to look at, but in the computer room, who cares? (No dad, you can't have it back now.) I am all done Christams shopping with the exception of 2 gifts. Colby has decided that he wants Santa to bring him a phone. He is obsessed with phones. Guess Santa has to go out and get him a phone. That wasn't on the list. We're going to Convergy's Party for the Kids tomorrow. A bunch of us are going to take the kids to McD's first for lunch and then go to the party. Should be interesting to see how he reacts to Santa this year. He certainly knows who Santa is and that Santa is bringing gifts. Ohh, there's Sandra! Girls night here we go!!!! (BTW, ONLY 14 MORE SLEEPS!)
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Yes, I am a little excited. We are putting the tree up Sunday and all the house decorations before I go to work. We wrote our Letter to Santa yesterday. Colby is really into the "Santa thing" this year. I can't wait. We are also going to see the Kids CBC tour tomorrow with Sandra and the twins. We're taking the car to West End Mall and then taking the bus to the Cohn as I know that there will be no parking. It's going to be soo fun! And, did I mention yet that
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