Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Happy Birthday
Monday, January 28, 2008
More from today
Ice Road!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Just maybe....
"If you weren't so cute I would be able to say no to this face"
The smile he gave me lit his face, and at that point I would have bought him everything in the store and took him home with me. I told him and his 3 friends to go pick out a bag of chips each and I would treat them, as long as they promised me they would not cause trouble in the store for the rest of the night. 4 smiling faces quickly nodded and brought back 4 bags of chips, and all said "thank you" to me when they handed them to me. Thank you is a word that is not heard often here.
Yes, I know I will now be the "favorite" one in the Northern, and the boys will now more than likely be asking me all the time to buy them things. Will I? Of course not, that would be silly and would quickly get out of hand. What I will do, which is what I do for my own kids, is occasionally treat them to something if they are around. If a 1.00 bag of chips is all it takes to make a little boy or 2 (or 4) feel loved for even a few minutes, then I'll do it. And the more time I spend in the school, getting to know these kids, I'll see what it is that draws teachers from the south to come up here for 1 year and stay for 10, because they love the kids. I know I'm quickly losing my heart to all of them. And maybe, just maybe they'll feel the same for me.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
How to make my 6 year old go foolish
Colby is foolishly obsessed with the original Knight Rider. He has all 4 seasons on DVD and has watched all of them repeatedly. He nearly peed his pants with excitement when I saw this. It's going to be a 2 hour TV movie on February 17th.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
How Rob spends his days off
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Heaven's hockey rink has another "corner boy"
Anyone who spent any time at the Sackville Arena or the Community College knew Harold. Harold was a great friend of my dad's for many years, and we all knew him well. They spent many nights travelling with the Blazers to away games. Harold volunteered much of his time with the Blazers, which is how we all got to know him and his wife. It was just as much of a family thing to them as it was to us. When Harold was first diagnosed with cancer, he stepped back from his responsibilities with the Blazers and became a "corner boy". The corner boys are at every hockey game. They are the older men who always sit in the top corner of the opposing side and cheer for the home team. They were the ones who yelled the loudest at the bad calls, and loved to torment the players from the away team. This is where Dad also sat when he was not able to participate, and I know they were both proud to be called a "corner boy".
Much of the week that Dad died is a blur to me, but I do remember Harold. Harold was very ill in November, as cancer was ravaging his body. I remember seeing him when we walked in the church sitting in the very front with his wife Colleen. He was very upset during the ceremony and stopped me afterwards. He told me that even towards the end when my Dad was sick and on oxygen, he always stopped in to see him and chat. Harold was too weak at his point to be out and cherished the times that Dad stopped in. They would talk about hockey and just "shoot the shit". They talked about how each was sick, and Harold told me that he never expected that dad would "go before him". I will always remember him whispering to me in a hug as we were both crying " it should have been me, I should have went first". He was such an amazing man and I will miss him just as much as I miss Dad.
I'm so proud
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Let there be Light!
My all time favorite picture
Monday, January 14, 2008
Moments to be proud of
The song I hear over and over. I had to share this with everyone and hope it gets stuck in your head as it is in mine.
They're done!
We finally have the first set of pictures done and have decided on a price. For anyone who is truly interested in them, we are selling them individually, in sets of 5 and sets of 10. All cards come with white envelopes. More will be added as we take them and will be posted here. I am going to the post office tomorrow to find out how much shipping will be.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Help from my Northern friends
Masi Cho (Thank you in dogrib) *grin*
Northern Update
Friday, January 11, 2008
I love Jen
The Legend of the Caribou Boy
A blogger moment
"Mommy, what is the temperature out today?"
Me, looking at the thermometer outside the window
"It's -32 today"
"Oh, that's not so bad"
I can certainly tell he's getting used to the cold!
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
New adventures

Monday, January 07, 2008
This was our adventure yesterday. We went for a drive and Rob wanted to get some pictures of the truck going through deep snow. The pictures that were not taken are the ones of me standing on the side of the road flagging down a truck to help Rob push the truck out of the snow. Luckily they were guys from here in town and great guys. As I was standing on the side of the road waiting for someone to come by all I could think of was the country song by Corb Lund "The truck got Stuck". I need to re-write the lyrics to include "The Pathfinder lost the path"
Am I the only one that thinks Joey looks possessed in this picture? Look at his left hand. FREAKY!
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Happy Birthday to my Best Friend
Friday, January 04, 2008
New stuff
We went to Yellowknife yesterday and I was chatting with Jen on MSN before we left. I told her we were going to the new Staples store and she admitted she was very jealous (she lives in a fly-in community). I told her that I would take a picture of it. Here ya go Jen! :)
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Goodbye 2007, hello 2008
Now, as 2007 has ended and 2008 has begun, we will be making extra effort to enjoy what we have while we still have it. 2008 already holds many unknowns for us, and I can say for sure that this time next year we won't be here. We do not know where we will be, which is exciting in itself. We have a very special visitor coming to stay with us in 17 sleeps and will be here for a month. Rob has at least one adventure he will be taking by himself when he will be running a store for a period of time while that store manager is on holidays (called a relief). Due to Colby's schooling we will not be going with him. We will then be heading back to NS and then NL in June, and after that we anticipate we will be transferred to another location as Rob's training will be completed and he will be ready for his own store. That in itself will be a new adventure as Rob leaves the role of manager-in-training to store manager. It will be a very adventure packed 12 months. But, as all who read this blog know, it will all be posted here for all to read and share with us.
Happy New Years to all of you, thanks for making us part of your regular reading.