Sunday, January 31, 2010
January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
This is what I have to look forward to
"Oh, a bunch of us stayed for math help".
My first thought was, "good for him, staying for extra help" when it SHOULD have been "Wait a minute, this kid is a whiz at math and is normally ahead of his class". So.... you see where this is going, right??
The next day I get a call from Rob at work, who is laughing. He was talking to the teacher who kept Colby after class FOR DETENTION the day before. It seems Mr. Chatterbox wouldn't shut up when he was asked, and him and a bunch of his friends were kept after school for it. So, me being me, had a bit of fun when Colby came home.
As Colby is walking through the door
"So bud, I forgot to ask, what was the math help yesterday for?"
Him, without missing a beat "The work we did that day. I didn't finish it so I stayed."
Me: "Colby, are you sure at this point you don't want to change your story?"
Him: "No, why?" (At this point he's starting to sweat a little bit)
Me: Colby, you know I'm a teacher right? You KNOW teachers talk and tell each other things, right?"
Him sheepishly: "You know, don't you Mom?"
The best part is the punishment for this. He assumed that he would lose his electronic privledges. OH NO. I told him he had to write a page on what really happened, why it's bad to lie, and what will happen if he lies again. I'm gonna frame it.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Get comfy, this may be a long one
With that being said, I have a story I'd like to share with you all about why I feel we were meant to be here. So get comfy, get a snack and maybe a tissue or two, if you're anything like me you'll need it.
Once upon a time.... alright, I don't subject you to that. I have always felt that we were meant to end up in this community. We felt it right from the start, well at least I did. The community is very welcoming, and right from the first day I went out people walked up and introduced themselves.
We have met some great people here in town, and now refer to them as our "extended family". This family live across the street from us, and Rob first met "P" at the store, as his daughter works for Rob. They got chatting, and we were invited to their son's 2nd birthday party for us wives and children to all meet. Honestly, at first I didn't think we had anything in common and we probably wouldn't get along. Well, I am soo happy to say I was completely wrong. "C" and "P" have a son 6 months younger than Joey, and the boys hit it off from the start. "C" would bring her son over to play with Joey, and our friendship began. It soon extnded to the members of their families, which on his side is very large (11 siblings) and 3 on hers. PLUS both of their parents.
They have had some very difficult times in their past, and as we got to know them they shared these with us. They shared with us the loss of their nephew to suicide 3 years ago, who I will call "B". Their nephew was a big part of their lives, and his suiside was a huge shock to their family. To say it rocked their foundation is an understatment. His mother who we all know well, is still troubled by the loss of her son.
I mention her now because from the time I met her, I've always felt a connection with her. I can't explain why, but the thought her torment with his death just breaks my heart. But she just lights up when she sees my Joey. You see, she has a son named Joe, who is in Colby's class.
But here is where it gets a little freaky.
Last May as you may remember, I put Joey's birthday's announcement on the scroll. While watching for it to come on, there was a "in memory" annoucement, which stopped me in my tracks. It was for her son "B". It had a beautiful picture of him (he was 17 when he died) and said "In memory of "B". Born November 4, 1981, Died May 11, 2006.
For those of you who are NOT freaking out right now, let me let you in on something. Colby's birthday is November 4th. JOEY'S birthday is May 11, 2006. Yeppers, she lost her son on the day mine was born.
Yes, a skeptic would say this is a coincidence, and maybe it is. But that's a HUGE coincidence, don't you think?
Monday, January 18, 2010
More artsy fartsy

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Why we love living here
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Living in a deep freeze
Did I mention I'm turning 35 tomorrow? Holy crap when did I get old??