Wednesday, August 31, 2005
128.9 / 131.9
Do I have to say anymore?????? In one day our gas went from 110.9 to 131.9! WHEN WILL IT END? We cancelled our plans for the weekend as we were going away in the motorhome. I can barely put gas in the 2 vehicles, I'm NOT putting gas in the motorhome! GRRR!!!
This is beyond discusting. Mom called me from work stating that gas was going up, and it has in the city. IT WENT UP 0.09/LITRE! It's coming to the point that I'm not going to be able to afford to go to work! It cost me 50.00 to fill the Grand Am today, so I can just imagine how much it's going to cost to fill the truck. grrrr!
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Weekend in review
I went to Pier 22 on Friday night for a work function - the food was amazing. There was bbq chicken, poached salmon and salads galore. Of course, a big function like that had to have the most amazing desserts! Rob and I have started weight watchers again, if nothing else but to lose the 10 lbs we put on over our vacation. It seems to be going alright, we're not losing steam yet! Mom, Dad, Colby and I went to an estate auction this morning. I bought a rubbermaid sled for Colby for 5.00, 2 brand new Hewlett Packard Printers with extra ink (brand new), and in the same lot there was a panasonic cordless phone (not sure if it works or not), some other crazy computer stuff, a couple really nice zipper binders, all of that (including the printers) was 35.00, and I bought a mini acquarium with all the fixin's for 5.00. It was a good morning. Mom bought a box full of really high end pots for 20.00 and dad bought a cute little man-chopping-wood weather vane for 20.00. Overall it was a good morning. We went to Rob's Aunt Rose's for a family bbq last night. All the family was there including Rob's aunt and uncle from Ontario. The food was AMAZING. I was suppose to go to a dog wash charity thing today but on my own with the dog and Colby is a bit challenging, and honestly, with gas still at 110.9/ltr, it's hard to justify driving almost an hour each way to spend money. I'll see all the dogs and their owners in a few weeks at Plant Walk on September 18th. This is a walk in Halifax for greyhounds only. Last year there was about 60 dogs. This will be our first planet walk and it should be fun. There will be walks all over the world on the same day just for greys. We're going to Nicole's for supper tonight. When I asked her what we were having, she asked me what I wanted. I joked and said "gourmet", which is K.D. Knowing Nicole that's what she'll make!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Friends top 5
I read Tawny's blog religiously everyday and keep looking at her Friends Top 5 list. I think I'm going to compile one for myself. It's something that I'm going to have to think about over the next day or so. Keep watching! As soon as Tawny (hopefully) helps me put it on my blog, you'll see it! But I think I'll take it one step further and make 2 lists, one of men and one of women. I have a lot of thinking to do.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Oh my
Comments heard from my son that make me proud to be the other of a boy:
- Mommy, why can't I pee in the woods?
- Mommy, want to see my birdie dance? (said as he is running around the house naked)
- Mommy, I have to pee and my birdie is making my pants stand up.
I am not making any of these up. I wish I was.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
In love again
I have fallen in love... again. Everyone that knows me knows that I am a HUGE country music fan, and have always had a soft spot in my heart for Paul Brandt. I saw for the first time his new video, Alberta Bound. It's on right now. *sigh*. If I were to have a "Friends" top 5 list, he would be numbers 1-10. There's just something about him. In other news..... (yes, I'm done, the video is over). I took Koda to his first Meet and Greet yesterday in Mic Mac Mall. He loved it. He's such a social butterfly. I will have pictures next week when I get them developed. We're hoping to take him on a walk this afternoon with other greyhounds. We have been trying to get to these walks for the past couple of weeks, and hopefully we make it today. We're then going to Rob's parents house for a bbq as they are leaving on an Alaskan Cruise on Tuesday for 19 days. I'm very happy for them. They have been talking about this for as long as I can remember, and they're going to renew their vows on ship. I can't wait to see their pictures when they come back.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
I am becoming quite an active member in GPAC, or Greyhound Pets of Atlantic Canada. I am forever reading and posting on their chat board, and someone mentioned feeding their grey Iams. Well, let me tell you I'll never buy it. I did not know the history of Iams, but they do all their testing for their products on animals. There was a big undercover report that was done showing exactly how these animals were treated. I was physically sick to my stomach watching this. If you dare, the website is, but honestly, I warn you, it's gruesome.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
I finally did it!
I finally created a new blog for my pictures. Now all I have to do is update it, which I hope to do tonight. Bookmark this one folks! Take a peek at OMG Photography
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Not much to post
Not much to post today. The truck is back on the road and running again, 2 inches higher than it was a week ago and a new alternator and battery. Colby and I are on are own tonight as Rob is working tonight and we're having the Chenell family over for a bbq for supper tomorrow night. Was hoping to catch the buskers tomorrow but I'm not seeing that happening, as Dad is painting the new deck and we're going over to help. I feel obligated to put something on this blog because I know how frusterating it is to read other people's blogs and they don't update for a week (TAWNY). hehehe. We're heading to Kelly's parents cottage in 2 weeks with the motorhome and I can't wait. Then, it's off to Cape Breton for Adelle's christening. I'm really looking forward to the weekend away. I'm actually looking forward to the drive down and back, so Rob and I can actually have some time together! I believe Adam and Genevieve are coming up sometime this month with the baby, and from the pics that she has sent she's changing soo much! I can't wait to see them!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Anyone know of a cheap way to have printing done? We are trying to start a new fundraiser for GPAC and are thinking on compiling a Cookbook for Dogs. Since this is all non profit, anyone have any ideas how we could get it printed real cheap or know of someone in metro who would be willing to donate?
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
What a silly goose!
What a silly goose I am!? I just realized that the tiny button at the top of creating a post called Add Image will actually ADD AN IMAGE to your blogger! And I've been doing it the long way all this time! Look out for the pictures coming now!
I may have a knack for this photography stuff?!
Sunday, August 07, 2005
So much to blog.. so little time
I now have a minute to write about everything that has gone on for the past week and I'm drawing a complete blank. My relatives came down for the wedding, Uncle Mike from Ontario, Aunt Rene and her sons Gregory (11) and George (15), my Uncle Clar and his wife Rosemary (who has never been here) all arrived Thursday before the wedding. Friday we had a bbq at mom's for all the family that arrived and my dad had a FEW too many to drink ( he drank most of a 2-4 himself). Rob helped him along with 3/4 of a 40 oz of rum by himself. Saturday morning had me meeting up with Kelly and taking many rolls of film. The wedding was beautiful and the meal at the reception was amazing. We stayed at the hall until 12:30 and Colby was awake and there the entire time. He was a complete doll. BJ sang Try by Blue Rodeo at the wedding and he did an amazing job. No one from the family knew that BJ could sing. They spend a lot of time at karoake and it shows. Sunday had us at the gift opening, and Sunday night had us at my Aunt Rose's for a family dinner, Newfoundland style. Turkey, dressing, greens and all the trimmings. Monday we spent with my Aunt and Uncle, Monday night we went out to dinner at Boston Pizza for our anniversary, Tuesday we had planned to have Gregory and George come out for the night but Colby got sick ( I would think from him being soo off schedule), Wednesday we went to the beach and had George and Gregory for the night, and Thursday everyone went home. In between all this Rob and Dad put an extension on Dad's deck and they are now fixing Rob's truck. We were in a parade with Koda yesterday and now I'm home just relaxing. Oh, and Friday night I took pics of Dave and Heather from work in Dartmouth. I had to replace the batteries in the camera. I'm surprised it's not smoking! Today we are having a turkey dinner at mom's. I need to go back to work just to get back on schedule!
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Trying to post pictures
I'm having a really hard time posting the black and white pictures so I'm trying to cheat. Click here and hopefully this works.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Monday, August 01, 2005
Happy 7th Anniversary
Today Rob and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. I can't believe it has been this long. Watching BJ and Kelly get married this weekend has had me thinking of my own wedding and how much in love I was with Rob at that time. Well, I didn't think I could love him any more than I did on the day we got married. Boy, was I ever wrong. We have had 7 amazing years together, and I am more in love now that I have ever been.
Lots to blog
Lots to blog, not enough time. The wedding was absoutely beautiful. I took 18 rolls of pictures. I will be scanning and posting over the next couple of days.
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