Monday, October 31, 2005
Rob was suppose to work tonight, but now has the night off so he's coming home! I'm soo excited! That way, we can both be there to hand out candy and take Colby trick or treating! I'll be taking lots of pictures and will have them posted tomorrow or Wednesday, as I'm going to get the developed when I take Colby to preschool in the morning.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
My husbands are murderers. I'm sure that there will be lots of gory details. If you want to read about it, click here. I am taking the car back to Forbes on Monday. Should be interesting to see what they say. I am now off for the next 2 days and plan to enjoy it. Colby played Indoor Golf (the glow in the dark one) with Gramma Jeannine today. I didn't think she was ever going to bring him home! I must admit, it was nice to have the afternoon to myself. Sandra and I are going to some taste testing thing tomorrow at some woman's house. All I know is that it's a couple hours out of the house and there's good food! Count me in!
I knew I should not have gotten up
Last night ended really crappy. Rob's dad had my car, and since the truck is running, well, really shitty until it's fixed on Monday I had to get my own way to work. Dad drove me in and I had an arrangement with a friend of mine for her and her bf to drive me home. Well, he's working at the IWK and ended up staying later than normal. So, I thought, it won't cost that much, I'll take a cab home. It only takes me 10 minutes to get home, so how much can it cost? $30.00! and I actually ran out of money before getting back to the driveway and I was afraid he was going to make me walk. He was foreign and I must admit I had a hard time understanding what he was saying. So, of course, I came in, stomped around and was really frazzled. Whatever. So, of course it takes me forever to fall asleep and I was to be at work for 6am this morning. That didn't happen. To find out, I get up to go in for 7 and I left my flippin' keys in dad's car! So, luckily my brother is in town for the weekend (damned if I didn't remember that last night) and he is on his way over with my keys. AND, to top it all off, the flippin' warning lights are back on in the Grand Am. Both the Service Engine Light and the Service Vehicle Light are on. I'm gonna have a fit on Forbes come Monday. Wait, they're open today! WOO HOO! Where's the damn number?
Friday, October 28, 2005
Like father like son
Colby and I were in Superstore this morning buying groceries and we met up with Frank, Adam's father. It is very obvious where Adam gets his "tormenting nature". For example, I was trying to convince Colby that Cheerios would be a good snack to have (as he asked earlier in the week for Cheerios), when out of no where Frank appears next to us and says to Colby "You don't want that, that's healthy food, get the sugar ones!" Needless to say, the cheerios did not end up in my cart. But, sugar cereal did not either!
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Officially out of the 1st trimester!
I am 12 weeks today. Goodbye first trimester, bring on 2nd trimester! I swear I'm popping already! Colby had his halloween party at preschool today. I, of course, went in and took pictures of the class all dressed up. I could just eat the face off my kid he's soo cute!
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Oh I love the New York accent!
I am sitting here at work (shhh) listening to a call from an older lady from Brooklyn, NY. There is nothing like this accent! I just called Christo Hampers to see when my order is coming, and it should be here between thd 27th of November and 17th of December. I will be receiving a letter letting me know exactly when it will arrive. I can't wait! I have 3 hampers coming, totalling just under 600.00. That's my groceries for the month of December! I'll probably end up sending some of it into my sister and Anthony also. Anthony is now working full time. He's working for a contractor who was working at Winners. Rob set it up for him and from the sounds of it he really likes it! I'm just glad he's working again, and I'm sure he is too!
Monday, October 24, 2005
Bring on the rain!
We're suppose to get the tail end of Hurricane Wilma starting tomorrow. I hate being teased with a hurricane. Either we're gonna get a full blown hurricane or we're not. Frankly, I would enjoy the time off work! And, if we are to get a full blown hurricane, I need to know the best place to park the car where it will have the greatest chance of being squashed by a tree. I am getting a crib mattress from Freecycle. Hopefully I should get it this week. I love this site! I also got more christmas mugs today, so Sandra and I are going to go splits on a box of chocolates and make up some mugs as christmas gifts. I am also going to get the instructions on how to make snowman soup, and probably make some mugs up for that also. Just to be different. Christmas is right around the corner and I have to really get in gear for it!
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Oh the Guilt!
I just got off the phone with Genevieve who again reminded me that I must remember to update my blog. I have been busy trying to plan Colby's birthday party, which we are having on the 6th of November. Adam and Genevieve may be in town for then which will be great!
I went to Cole's last night to find a book for Colby about being a big brother. I did find one, but I also found a book about a little boy getting his first Toronto Maple Leafs Jersey, which of course could not be passed up. And, who but Poppy to read it for the first time?
Dad took Colby to Zellers and showed him the West Coast Choppers kids bike. Take a wild guess what this kid is getting for his birthday!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
This is NOT my ultrasound
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Cranky nurse
We had the ultrasound. I am officially 10 weeks and 5 days pregnant today. The nurse that we had was not .. well.... she wouldn't let us take pictures and she would not / could not give us a picture of the baby. I was really upset when I left. There is no reason, since we had the digital camera, that we could not have snapped a picture or 2. Oh well. The good thing is that Colby got to see the baby, which was very exciting to me. The baby was facing us, which was really neat. We got to see the arms and legs (still little stumps for now), the heartbeat and the face. It was quite amazing. We have to go back at 20 weeks for another ultrasound and here's hoping that we get a less cranky nurse! Oh, and the most important part, THERE'S ONLY 1.
Ultrasound Day!
We're off to the hospital in an hour for our first ultrasound. I'm bringing Dad's digital camera to get a couple pictures (hopefully) of Colby when he sees the baby. I'm also hoping that they will give us one of the little pictures for the baby book. Check back in later today for the result!
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Friday, October 14, 2005
No one said we're the brightest bunch
Today is my mom's birthday, and I'll blog about that when I have more time. Dad bought mom an electric fireplace for the livingroom, which she desperately wanted. We had Dad's camera over the weekend and gave it back to him yesterday to take the pictures off for us. Well, of course, any picture of Colby mom wants to see. You tell me why we're not a bright bunch. HINT: Look in the backround of the pictures.

Thursday, October 13, 2005
First prenatal appointment
We have our first prenatal appointment in the morning. Hopefully we will be able to hear the heartbeat! We have our first ultrasound on Tuesday morning and we're taking Colby with us! I'm going to take Dad's digital camera with us and hopefully we get a good nurse!
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
First preschool outing
Monday, October 10, 2005
Once upon a time......
A and G were in town this weekend and came over Saturday night for a while. We sat around, ate natchos and wings, and played a card came called Sequence. It involves a very large board and 2 decks of cards. It was a great time! Everytime G and I would win, before she would put down the winning card she would say "Once upon a time... " and start a very funny story. By the end of the night we were all in stitches. And A, with a combination of fatigue and alcohol, (more fatigue in my opinion as they drove all day in the rain to get here), could not remember to pick up a card after he put one down. This is a game where it is manditory to have 6 cards in your hand, and at one point he only had 2! So, of course, me being me, kept asking him "Hea Adam, how many cards do you have?" It was a fun weekend. Rob and I were sitting in the livingroom last night, Rob on the computer and Colby and I watching TV. I can't remember what we were watching, but at one point there was a woman in a bikini top. Colby looked at me and asked, "Mommy, what would happen if she had nothing on her boobies?" Through my fit of laughter, as this was a very serious question by my 4 year old, I said "Ask your father" who had not heard this comment. When I asked Colby to repeat his question to Rob, all Rob could do is laugh and Hi 5 Colby. I love living with men.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
I have got to blog more!
A&G were up on the weekend and we all had a great time. Colby got to hold Adele, and stupid me forgot to take a picture of it! That's alright, they'll be back this weekend. The 4 of us are going out without other friends and kids. Just like the old days. I'm quite excited. G's mother is also coming up and I can't wait to see her. I have my first appointment at the Grace on Friday, October 14th. My family doctor does not deliver so he referred me right in there. I also have my ultrasound on October 18th, so I can finally see this little monster! I have already bought 2 things off Ebay, and if I'm not careful I'm going to get in big trouble with it! I bought 7 Avent bottles with rings, nipples and covers for 20.00 Canadian, and I bought a Fetal Heartrate Monitor for 17.00 Canadian. I can't wait to get the monitor! Colby went on a field trip with his preschool today to the library, and like fools Sandra and I sat in the Tim Hortons parkinglot and watched them walk by. I of course had my camera and should have pictures to post shortly.
Sandra is soo excited about the baby that she showed up with ALL this stuff. It's hard to see in the picture but it's an entire bedroom set in Noah's Ark, and the box in the back is FULL of gender non-specific baby clothes.

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