Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Just enough to break your heart

Conversation that happened earlier tonight when Colby was on the phone with Rob:

(me)"Colby, the phone is for you!"

Colby: "Hello?" (as he says with a smile, knowing it was Rob)

Colby: "DADDY! When are you coming home?"

Silence as Rob tells him he's working late and won't be home in time for bed.

Colby: "You should come home now. Tell your boss you have to go. Or escape. "

This conversation went on for a few minutes as Rob tried to explain to Colby that he had to work late, but would be off tomorrow and would see him in the morning. It continued as Colby asked him to come home and play "Dukes of Hazzard" (we bought him the game of the original series for the Playstation). When Colby passed the phone back to me, I had tears in my eyes and all Rob said was "That really sucked. Really really sucked". Rob has had some big demands on his time at work and it seems to keep him there longer and longer each night. I even joked with him one day that if I was a more insecure woman and he didn't call home so much with his work number on the display I would be concerned that he was having an affair. But hell, what am I worried about, I have 2 husbands! Though, if I had to choose one of them to lose, I would prefer to lose the one I'm NOT sleeping with. (Sorry for the mental image there Dad). Seriously, any takers there for my second husband? Ms. BehindzBeyond?? *grin*

1 comment:

Tawny said...

I have a hard time not being home with the hours I work, and I don't have children to worry about. I can't imagine how difficult it is for parents who work long hours and don't get to spend as much time with their children as they would like :(.

Despite that, I am sure Colby knows just how much his Dad loves him, and how much he'd rather be at home playing DOH than at work :).