The best room (or at my favorite when I have to pee in the middle of the night)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Ready to roll!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
What a nightmare
and these that were holding everything together:
To say we were upset is the understatement of the year. That black you see? Yep, you guessed it, black mold. The boys and I immediately left the trailer, and Rob put on a mask to pull the rest of it down. I emailed the man who we bought it from and that email said:
xxx, I sincerely hope I am wrong in the opinion that I have formed about you and your wife this morning. Imagine our suprise when we went out to the camper this morning to start loading up for our first camping trip to see the water bubble above the top bed. Upon further investigation of this bubble (because of course we had to look seeing as our 8 year old had picked this out as his bed) we found rotten wood, drenched insulation and mold. We also found an enormous amount of very obvious brand new screws holding all this together. The boys and I were in the camper when Rob found all this (it literally crumbled in his hands as soon as he cut the bubble) and with the mold that came out with it Rob immediately sent us out. He is still in there right now cleaning this up without a mask. Do you realize how scary this is? You KNEW that my son would be sleeping up there, at least your wife did because I TOLD her. I can't imagine as a parent selling a camper KNOWING that it has been leaking for some time, and moisture leads to mold. Had we not looked, my son would have been breathing in those fumes, as he would have been so close to the ceiling. As a parent yourself, can you see why I'm soo upset??
I honestly don't believe that you didn't know about this problem. It is obviously a "patch work" job, as the new screws give that away. The problem that I have, seeing as honestly we don't know you at all, is that you let us unknowingly buy this KNOWING WE HAD CHILDREN. We probably would have bought the trailer anyways, it is what we were looking for. Rob is a very handy guy is is more than capable of fixing this. Taking advantage of people is one thing, people do it all the time and I understand that when you buy something it's definately a "buyer beware" when you are buying a camper as old as this one. But we have kids. You KNEW we had kids, you met them. You also met my son on both occasions that would have been sleeping up there, breathing in mold fumes. That's the part I just can't get over.
At this point, it looks like we won't be able to take the camper out until all this is fixed, and since Rob works full time it won't be until the end of the summer at least. I still haven't told my kids that our summer camping trips are now cancelled, because at this point we have already sold our other camper. I really hope you understand why we are so upset right now.
Rob and Tina
To which I received this reply:
hey guys, we are in shock as-well, i never really inspected that part of the trailer, the repair was honestly not done by me or i would have tore the roof off and fixed it properly, we kept all of our food up there and cant believe we missed it, i know u must be very upset, please give us a call, i will be checking to see if we can do anything about the guy we had bought it from because he never disclosed this issue to us and it should have been, we paid more than $x.xx for the trailer, im so pissed and upset right now too, thats were the food was that we were eating and feeding our kids, phone anytime please, 123-4567, 890-1234.
I must say, I believe him. When we went to see the camper, they had just got back from vacationing in it and their stuff was still in it. Luckily, Rob is a very handy guy and at this point in time has reinforced that ceiling with all new wood and re-sealed the roof. We're still planning on going on a mini vacation this weekend. Fun times for all I tell ya.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Drumheller 2010
So we'll start with the Little Church. This was on the side of the road going to our campground. I think Joey may have found his calling. I must remember to share these pictures with Father on Sunday. :)
"Father Joey"

The day before we left Rob took the boys go cart racing. Colby was so excited he was finally tall enough to drive a car by himself. Although he was very serious the entire time he was driving.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Drumheller, we get the point
The road that just keeps going and going......
Thursday, July 08, 2010
First boating trip
Monday, July 05, 2010
Our camping weekend