I normally love to watch the news, but lately all you see are the anti-seal hunter people. There is nothing that makes my blood boil faster than people protesting and not having all the facts. The part that drives me even MORE crazy is that this is has been going on for as long as I can recall. You see these fools all over the news, crying about how inhumane it is to harvest seals. The poor little white coat pups with the big puppy dog eyes. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY. Hunting seal pups is illegal, it has been since the late 80's. The latest one I heard that really made me laugh out loud is how there are seal carcuses rotting on the ice. I live in the North AND around lots of ice (hell, we drive on the ice here there is so much of it), I see lots of skidoos, dogs and people, but not one seal. Seal hunting in the north is a way of life. The entire animal is used. I will end up with a pair of seal skin mittens, and will wear them proudly knowing that I have purchased quality workmanship from a hard working person. I would LOVE to see some of these "oh the poor seal" protesters come up and spend a day in the North with a sealer, or on a boat with some Newfoundland sealers. They will see how the animals are not "beaten to death", but hunted in the most humane way. I am also sure the last time Rob and Adam went hunting rabbit and deer (which I personally think are much cuter than seals) they were not followed by protesters in choppers. Really people, know your facts before you make a fool of yourself on televison.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Save a cow, eat a seal.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Alexandra Falls
Saturday, March 29, 2008
I like the Steak Dad!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Oh, and just to let everyone back home know that we have our vacation booked and plane tickets bought! We will be in Halifax on the 5th of June and leaving the 25th of June.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
A little too close to home for me
The partially clad, frozen body of a 30-year-old Northwest Territories man was discovered Sunday near a snowmobile trail in Behchoko, RCMP said Tuesday.
David Tlokka of Behchoko, about 100 kilometres northwest of Yellowknife, left a trail in the snow that suggested he staggered across Marion Lake, wandered into the bush and finally collapsed beside the trail, RCMP Sgt. Francis Cullen said in an interview Tuesday.
Alcohol was likely a factor, he said.
"We could smell liquor on his clothing. The pattern, or his trail if you will, that we followed — on numerous occasions he had fallen into the snow.
"He appeared to be either disorientated or under the influence of alcohol or something else." Some of Tlokka's clothing was found scattered around his body, which police say suggests he succumbed to hypothermia.
An autopsy will be conducted.
This story breaks my heart. So young to meet a death like this. So close to home for me because this is where we just left, Behchoko. The skidoo trail they are taking about on Marion Lake is the trail I have taken many pictures of. I could see it clearly from my front window. Chances are if we were still there I may not have seen him, but I for sure would have seen the RCMP when they found him. Although I cannot put a face to him, I'm sure I would have seen him in the community, probably at the Northern. Such a shame. Such a waste of a young life. My heart goes out to his family.
Dessert and Playstation Noodles
Do I have to just try one?
No Colby, you have to eat it.
This is normally followed by lots of faces and grimaces. We told him that the easiest way to eat something new is to take a mouthful of food and then a drink. This seems to be working. The pork chops surpringly were not the issue, he sucked them right back. Then came the noodles. He has been itching to play playstation with Daddy all evening AND he wanted dessert (something we normally don't do) so Daddy came up with an idea. He divided the noodles into 2 piles, one much larger than the other. The small pile was the "dessert pile", and the larger one was the "playstation pile". If he wanted both, he had to eat both. Well, this turned into:
I'm going to eat the Playstation noodles.
After a few bites when he realized the dessert pile was smaller
I'm going to eat the Dessert Noodles.
He was very serious, and after debating back and forth on eating both the " dessert" and the "playstation" noodles, he settled on just the "playstation" noodles. This is a BIG step for us. He's eating it. He's not liking it, but dammit he's finally eating healthy food. This is the 3rd full day of this, and I could just bawl when I see him eat. Finally! (I know some of you don't agree with me "forcing" him to eat foods he doesn't like, but hell, I live in the North and I'm now paying for groceries. And it's my kid. And he's finally eating something other than chicken fingers and hot dogs, so bite me.) :)
Our first carving
"It's the same size as a 12 oz Avent bottle with the nipple on". A picture of that to follow. :)
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Gotta love Facebook
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Pictures from Hay River.. take 1
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
We're here
Monday, March 17, 2008
We're off to Hay River
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Black Lake or Black Magic??
Friday, March 14, 2008
New pics
2 reasons why my hubby is the best
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Maybe I'm just paranoid
Sunday, March 09, 2008
It's Jen money mommy!
"Mommy, I have Jen money!"
When I questioned him on this, he explained to me that he has a Toonie in his wallet that has Nunavut on it. It's the 1999 Nunavut commerative coin. Colby recently received a package from Jen with some great stuff in it, and he knows that she lives in Nunavut. I had a hard time not laughing, because he was very serious and is now convinced that Jen in fact has her own coin. Jen, you didn't tell us you had your own currency!
Friday, March 07, 2008
Black Lake, Around Town...

Wednesday, March 05, 2008
New pictures for Daddy
By far the funniest 5 minutes of my day
I've created a monster