Our continuing adventures back on the East Coast.
For the first time in a long time, I can honestly say I'm uber glad Christmas is over. This honestly was one of the worst Christmas Days I can ever remember. It started out great enough. We were invited to friends house for Christmas eve dinner, and we had a great time. There were about 15 people there and it was very relaxed. The food was fantastic and good times were had by all. We drove around to look at Christmas lights and made it home in time for a webcam chat with Gramma and the girls. We made it to bed early and were looking forward to seeing the kid's excitment on Christmas morning.
Colby came in around 1:30 to tell me Joey was crying (they share a room). When I went in, Joey had puked in his bed. I cleaned him up, stripped his bed and brought him in bed with us. Then the puking continued. I'm sure we used all the towels in our house that night.
Colby came in around 7am, uber excited for Christmas. I didn't have the heart to stay in bed, even though we had just fallen asleep. I packed up a groggy Joey and moved to the couch. Santa had set up a treasure hunt for Colby's big gift (a Wii that was all plugged in) and I felt soo bad I couldn't follow him around as he looked for clues. Rob took pictures of him following his clues, and then as he opened his stocking and presents. We tried to get Joey to open his gifts, but he just didn't have the energy. We went back to bed and got up around 12. We managed to get some Gatorade into him and a few crackers, and he opened his presents and stocking. It's only been today that he has started eating. I will be taking more pictures over the next day or so of Joey with some of his gifts. His most treasured gifts right now are a mini daschund stuffed animal that he carries around, and a book that I found on Ebay called "Knight Rider: K.I.T.T Vanishes".
The Northwest Company (the parent company of the store Rob runs) provides each store with a Santa Suit, a portable printer and 3 packs of ink/paper for Santa Claus. This is something that is done for each store in the company. He has offered the use of both these items at no charge to the community, and did not receive a response. He has not done "Santa" in the store because this is always something that was done by the town. So, Santa is coming to the Northern today. We are bringing my Christmas backdrop and blocking off a corner of the store to take pictures of the kids. These pictures will be printed on the spot for parents to take home, and will be done free of charge (we are asking for a $2.00 donation to charity). The staff has really come together with this, and made 100 grab bags for the kids yesterday. Keep in mind, this conversation with Rob happened MONDAY night, and here it is Wednesday morning and we're ready to go. And the response from the town has been overwhelming. People are really excited about this, and more than a few adults have joked they are coming to sit on Santa's knee.
This is more than just a publicity stunt for his store. Yes, of course it will boost sales on the 2nd last day of shopping, and he is running some great last minute deals. But he's not doing it for that. He's doing it for the kids. Of course, there are kids in town that have had their picture taken with Santa when they have gone out of town with their parents. But there are many kids in this community who have never been out of town. He's doing it for them. It just shows how much we all love it here. I can feel roots settling. :)
1.) Morning snuggles with Colby and Joey.
2.) The excited squeals of the kids at preschool when they arrive.
3.) Being called "Teacher Tina" and getting hugs from all the 3 and 4 year olds when they leave.
4.) The amazing friends and surrogate family we have made here in the North.
5.) Having people tell me how much they love the pictures I have taken of them.
6.) Have community members tell me how proud they are of Rob as the Northern Manager and hope we never leave.
7.) My blogger friends, most who I've never met in person but feel like I know them better than some people I know in real life.
8.) Getting packages from home.
9.) Fresh warm sheets on the bed.
10.) After 15 years, the way that one smile from Rob still gives me butterflies.
Now, all my blogger friends, I challenge you to do the same thing. And I'll be looking for your lists!
Extreme wind chills tonight. This is a warning that extreme wind chill conditions are imminent or occurring in these regions. Monitor weather conditions..Listen for updated statements. A pool of bitterly cold Arctic air has settled over Northern Saskatchewan with temperatures near minus 40. Tonight a brisk northwesterly flow will develop over the area producing extreme wind chill values in the minus fifties. The extreme wind chill values will continue on Saturday. At these extreme wind chill values frostbite on exposed skin may occur in less than 5 minutes.
Light snow
Feels Like: -44
Wind: W 15km/h
I copied this right from the Enviornment Canada Website. Do you see the "Feels like"??? Tonight and tomorrow it's suppose to be as low as -50. Holy freakin' Hannah that's cold!!
Yesterday, the director of the daycare lost her daughter. Her daughter was born with a genetic defect and was not given much of a chance to survive. She was a fighter. She never grew much and looked like an infant, even though on the 7th of this month she turned 11 months old. She was in the daycare so we all got to see, and hear her. She may have been small, but there was nothing wrong with her lungs. She grew her angel wings early Tuesday morning, after being in the hospital for 3 days, so they closed the daycare to give all the women who worked with her the day off to grieve. I took Joey to work with me that day, and when he realized he was not going to "school" he became quite upset. When I told him that "school" was closed, he sobbed and said that it wasn't. When I told him that Beatrice (who is the woman who works with him) wasn't there, that is when he called me a liar. I couldn't help but laugh. Here is this little guy, sobbing his heart out because he couldn't go spend time with his Beatrice. Most kids would be excited to come to work with their mom's for a whole day, especially if she works in a preschool. Not my little fart. I realized today why he loves going there so much. When he gets there, all the other kids are napping, so he has Beatrice all to himself. They curl up together and read books, which is Joe's favorite thing to do. Then they have a snack and wait for the kids to wake up.
Some people I know would be jealous in this situation, but not me. I think the more people who love your kids, the better they are. I know when I leave him there, even though it's only for a few hours, he is well cared for and really happy to be there. That makes it worth it for both of us.