Sunday, June 01, 2008

One year ago today

One year ago today, this young family from Halifax, NS stepped off the plane in Yellowknife NWT and was greeted by a woman named Connie who along with her husband David would end up being as close as family to us in the months ahead. We have had so many adventures, both good and bad (need I remind you about when "the truck got stuck"). We have grown so much closer as a family and have learned to cherish each moment as it comes. And now, 1 year later, we are about to embark on a new journey, one that will lead us to Saskatchewan, where Rob will be able to send emails that end with

Rob Schwartz

Store Manager

Ile-A-La Crosse, SK

I am so proud of my family and the life we have made for ourselves up here. Many people in the beginning thought we were crazy to pack up and move way up here, and of course we did too in the beginning. But I'm so glad we did.


Megan said...

I'm glad you did, too. :)

Anonymous said...

can't wait till you get back home this week and I can tickle two little boys gramma

Anonymous said...

I think people are crazy not to come up here. But that just means more for me!

Ile-a-la-Crosse looks really interesting and the location must be quite spectacular with all those big lakes, though it probably gets "wind off the lake" no matter what direction the wind is from... I look forward to reading all about it!

Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

I am glad that you did it as well! I also cannot believe it has only been a year. Are you sure about that? I feel like I have "known" you for much longer!

Rob, Tina and the boys said...

Ivy: (You know this will be your permanent secret spy name on my blog) I can't seem to find many pics of Crosse anywhere. I do know that we live on / very near a beach. There will be lots of pictures!

Kara: I KNOW! Though, we were commenting on your blog well before we moved up here. The first post I remember reading on your blog is the pics of the platform bed that Matt built that had the rubbermaid totes underneath it!

Kennie said...

Platform bed? hmmm..... wonder if I can build one of those for up here to store my sea-lift ......

Anonymous said...

Happy One year to all the Schwartz family. It's a heck of a way of life eh? Have a great vacation!!! Can't wait to hear what the next place is like


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you did, too. Enjoy Saskatchewan and keep writing!