Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Kellie

Happy birthday my 2nd oldest cousin (I think, it is before coffee), and the only woman I know who picks out 2 complete outfits to wear each day, one to wear and one in a "just in case" emergency bag in the trunk of her car.

Happy Birthday Kellie Ann, we love you!


Anonymous said...

Thanks! I was hoping for the risqué photo you took in June but I love Colby in this pic more than me!

You never know what the winter weather can bring in NL so it's good practice to be prepared - and in the summer you never know when an impromtu visit to George Street may occur...

I must say I'm aliitle flattered that you remember that about me - one of my many quirks - Mom calls me the "Bag lady" when I leave in the morning I have my lunch bag. my pruse, my other purse and my extra shoes and of course my emergency bag - one should always carry a change of underwear - cause well... Shit happens!!

Kellie Ann

Anonymous said...

Well said. Rosemary