Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Package from Nanny
This is a package that Mom sent for Colby that has a little something extra for Joey. It is a Luigi from Cars that talks when you hit it.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
It's beginning to look a lot like Rae!!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
He's playing with his WHAT?!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Joey and his new game
This is Joey's newest game. He was at this for almost an hour. I promise this is the last video for a while!
Colby cam
This is from October of last year. What a difference in the boys! The sound is terrible but you get the jest of it.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Monster boy
How my day went
I received a phone call today from Colby's principal letting me know that he has lost his recess privledges for the next 2 days for fighting. Yes, you read that right, f-i-g-h-t-i-n-g. My little quiet angel is really not. Seems that the fight yesterday he instigated but was not directly involved in, and the fight today he was in. It wasn't a fistfight (yet), it was more of a scrap. It ended up with a bit of kicking and then Colby crossed the line and threw a rock.
Now, picture a crestfallen Colby shuffling off the bus to the door, waiting to be reamed out by me. So, being the thoughtful considerate mom I am, I decided to have some fun with him.
Colby walking through the door "Hi mom, are you mad?"
me:"No, why would I be mad?"
At this point his face lights up, thinking that I didn't get the phone call the principal told him she would be making. So then of course I said
"I got an interesting phone call today".
At this point his face dropped because then he knew he was busted. We had a chat about the fine line of defending yourself and being a bully, and the importance of using your words when you can. We also talked in length about the dangers of throwing rocks, which he understood.
I told him that since he was being restricted from recess for the next 2 days, he would also lose privledges here for the same time. We have a DVR which has a lot of his shows on it, and I told him that he would not be allowed to use it for this time. He didn't like it but he agreed.
At this point, I went into the kitchen for something and no sooner was in there that Joey was on my heels holding the remote for the DVR. He looks up at me and says "Pokemon Mommy?" Now, Joey does ask to watch shows, Roli Poli, The Doodlebops but never Pokemon. So I asked Joey "Did Colby as you to come in to me?" Which of course Joey said "Yes". (Joey's speech is growing by the day and we can finally understand his answers.) So I went out to Colby and asked him if he sent Joey in to me to put on Pokemon, which he admitted to. THE LITTLE BRAT! I didn't think that using his little brother to get what he wanted was going to happen already! It's all I could do to not laugh. Little monster.
And of course, what's a post without pictures!
This is in Colbys school. This is where they have assemblys and such. This was a Math Night they had the other night.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
As you may have seen on Facebook.....
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The first copy
"I want to shoot something!"
This is what the trails in the woods look like where Rob hunts. I told him the next time he goes out hunting that isn't at 0'stupid'hundred o'clock I'm going with him.
The only thing we found were prints, but there were certainly a lot of them!
Happy birthday Lilyan
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Just like Uncle Adam
A story in pictures
Rock throwing
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A trip down memory lane

Happy Anniversary Nicole and Lloyd
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Nothing blogworthy so pictures it is
We received a package in the mail from Marylou and her boys. Here he is excited about his new Pokemon cards.
This is my cranky boy. I wanted him to stand up and show off his jacket, which is a jacket that Gramma made for Colby. As you can see, he had other plans that included a temper tantrum.
In Colby's package from Marylou there was also these plates. He loved them but refused to let me put anything on them. He instead plays with them and lines them all up on the floor.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Colby the Chicken Hunter
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thanksgiving 2008 a la Schwartz
Yes, as you can see, the turkey was also bought at the Northern.
Rob rolling his buns. I offered to help but he declined.
Our newest contribution to our Thanksgiving dinner. Jean's (Rob's mom) home made rolls.
I think I need a bigger pot.
This is how I ended up cooking the veggies. It made quite a mess on the stove as the steam kept building up on the tinfoil and dripped on the damper and the stove.
Rob talking to his Grandmother.
Yummy! And no, that is not all grease in the pan. We added a fair amount of water.
Gravy with just a touch of "brown".
Connie's onion loaf, and if I do say so myself, the best one I've made yet.
Super yummy dressing made by Rob.
And of course, the final result. An hour worth of dishes, but it was definately worth it!