Thursday, April 20, 2006

Week 37

A maximum of 4 weeks from right now my 2nd little boy will be here. If I end up going for a section on May 18th, by this time of day I should be well back in my room and staring at my boy. Hopefully, exactly 4 weeks from right now, we will be home, he will be at least 1-2 weeks old, and I will be posting new pictures of him, and waiting for the Di Vinci Code, which will be coming out the next day. I finished the book (Again), and now Kassie has it.

Kassie has FINALLY updated her blog and as I type this she is trying to post pictures of her zoo on there. It's worth a peek.

I feel like I am coming down the flu, again. I woke up this morning and my throat was killing me and I'm all stuffed up. No time for this!

JoAnn and Barry came over the other night. Barry helped Rob take the head of the motorcycle to take in to get "fixed" so we can get that thing back on the road. After that, they came in and decided to tie flies. Colby decided he wanted to help and Barry was more than happy to help him tie his first fly! I forgot to ask Barry to leave it so I could put it in his book.

I replied to a post on Freecycle last week for Micro Machines. Well, needless to say I got them and Colby is thrilled! It turned out to be a crapload more than I ever thought, but he has not put them down since Tuesday so I guess it was a good thing!

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