Monday, February 26, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
Another blogger moment
"Where's your hole?"
For 2 seconds I stared in shock, and then my chuckle would not stay in any longer. I looked up just in time to see Nicole turn away, trying to hide her laughter. My only comment? "Sometimes my blog just writes itself."
Thursday, February 22, 2007
You gotta blog that!
This scene starts with the phone ringing
To which an automated voice replies
"Hello. This is Aliant. You have a collect call from (X) (I don't remember the name but it was male). To accept the charges, say "Yes".
I thought about this for about 2 seconds. Although I didn't know the name, if I DIDN'T accept the charges I would forever wonder if it was my long lost relative or someone who got the wrong number but is standing in jail with no further contact with the outside world but me. So of course I answered
"Thank you." (the automated voice)
So there I was. The moment of truth. Who could it be? I held my breath. I waited until the connection. And then I hear it. Backround noise. A jail? OH MY GOD SOMEONE IS CALLING ME FROM PRISON!
And then I hear...
"Hello" (I replied)
(audible sigh of relief from my unknown caller from jail)
"Hi. I'm sorry for the collect call but I didn't have any money with me. I'm calling from school. I'm wondering if you're still looking for a babysitter?"
Then all I hear is laughter. It took me a second to realize the laughter was mine.
And through my laughter I said to him
"You're calling me COLLECT to ask me for a job?"
I'm sure he could still hear me laughing when I attempted to compose myself and told him the position was filled and gently hung up the phone.
The best part of this entire thing? Joey started laughing with me. My beautiful little blued eyed angel was laughing with me, looking at me as if to say
"Mommy, I have no idea what you're laughing about, but you're funny while you're doing it and it looks fun so I'll do it too"
I would not have believed it, had it not happened to me. I think I'll keep and frame that phone bill.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Saturday, February 17, 2007
More than a little disturbed
RCMP are investigating whether a Lower Sackville man charged with sexual assault and making child pornography has been passing himself off as a police officer. Michael John Kaye, 24, of Walker Connector Road was in possession of various pieces of police, paramedic and firefighter uniforms and identification, said RCMP spokesman Cpl. Joe Taplin. Whether Mr. Kaye may have posed as an emergency services worker "would be part of the investigation," Cpl. Taplin said Friday. The Mounties are also reviewing their own security procedures in light of Mr. Kaye’s admission into the RCMP’s Stetsons and Spurs youth program. "He has volunteered with the group since September," said Cpl. Taplin, adding Mr. Kaye was never alone with any teens in the youth group without another adult leader present. Police do not believe Mr. Kaye had any contact with teens involved in Stetsons and Spurs outside of its regular meetings. The girl who Mr. Kaye allegedly assaulted and whose images were discovered on his laptop was not a member of the group, Cpl. Taplin said. Mr. Kaye was arraigned in Halifax provincial court this week on charges of sexual assault and making and possessing child porn. He has been released on a $1,000 recognizance and conditions including an 11 p.m.-6 a.m. curfew, having no contact with the alleged victim and staying from areas where children may be present. He is also banned from using cellphones and accessing the Internet with computers. Cases of citizens impersonating police officers are fairly rare, Cpl. Taplin said. Anyone doubting an officer’s identity should ask to see his or her ID and then take a close look at it. "Real police officers would never have a problem showing their identification," Cpl. Taplin said. "Our officers all carry photo ID and a badge. "If people are still a little skeptical, they can call in a uniformed officer." Mr. Kaye selects a court for trial April 11.
This article appeared in today's newpaper. This is more than a little disturbing to me, because even though it disturbes me enough that someone like this lives so close to us (less than 10 minutes) THIS MAN HAS BEEN IN MY HOUSE. Yes, I know this man. There was a time I would say I knew him well. He is / was the boyfriend of a former co-worker of mine, someone at one point I considered a close friend. So close in fact that when Rob and I went to Cape Breton for Adelle's christening, I borrowed her car (it was a VW diesel), and they spent the weekend. Here. In my house. That perverted imposter slept in my house! The thought that bothers me the most is on that weekend she picked up Colby from mom's for me and had him here at the house with her until we came home that evening. Now, in her defence, I don't know if she was involved with this or not. I know when she first met him he stated to her that he was an undercover cop, who was also a paramedic and a volunteer firefighter. At the time, it didn't sound nearly as ridiculous as it does now. But, on the other side of that, she has been living with him for 2 years, and must be still with him as on the cover of yesterday's Daily News (which I have not seen yet) she is in the photograph with him. I have a hard time believing that she was involved with this with him, but the more logical part of me thinks "hell, she's been living with him for 2 years, how could she NOT know?" It scares me to think how many other little girls (these girls were 14) that he assaulted before he was caught. The thought of it sickens me.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Colby at 1.5 years
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
House of the sick
We got a call last night from A&G. Looks like they may be coming down this weekend! I can't wait! Lots of eating, laughing and either Sequence or Scene It!
We have been very busy with house renovations. We re-painted the living room, and for all who have been in here, we painted the panelling. This house was originally a 2 bedroom house, and when the previous owners separated the front bedroom into 2, the added a piece onto the room, coming out into the livingroom. It's hard to notice if you don't look, but the hallway is about 3 feet longer on one wall. Anyways, when they added this they put up pine panelling, and stained it a very dark color. When we first painted the house, we didn't paint the panelling, but this time around we did and boy what a difference! We also re-did all the pictures in the living room, and now the living room is mostly black and white pictures of the kids. We didn't have a lot of family pictures in the livingroom first time around, but I'm very proud of my family and my photography and am just thrilled that this is now the first thing you see when you come in my house. Open invitation for all to come and see!
These are the "before" pictures, I'll post the after pictures later this weekend after A&G come up. I'm not ruining the suprise! LOL