I have been looking for part time child care since January. I really, really never expected that it would be this hard. I only need 10 hours per week, but the problem I am running into is that I need 1 night shift. Mom has said that she would take the boys for 1 night shift, as long as it's Thursday or Friday because she doesn't drive and that is when Dad is off, which leaves me screwed for the beginning of the week, as Rob works 2 night shifts a week. I really hate to rely on my parents again for childcare, because they were the sole child care providers for Colby before I had Joey. I have interviewed a couple of people but nothing seems to have panned out. I have put more ads on a few websites that specialize in looking for / offering childcare, but no luck. I have put a sign up in the store here looking for a high school student, but according to the woman who works in the store, "people don't think it's enough hours to make it worth it". I have no sweet clue what the hell I'm going to do. I go back to work in 4 weeks. I was hoping to have found someone by now so that the boys could get used to them over the next couple of weeks to make my going back to work a little easier on them. The only real possibility I have is a girl who showed up, whose first words to be were "i forgot to tell you I smoked", when all I could do is look at the spike going through her bottom lip. I can't go to work worrying if the boys are alright or not. It's to the point now that it's 3:45AM and I'm up on the computer because I woke up panicked and I can't go back to sleep. I never in my wildest dreams thought it would be this hard. I have no idea what we're going to do.
I wish I could help, Tina... Don't panic, though. You still have 4 weeks and I am sure you will find someone.
my offer is still open.
I appreicate it, but it's the night shift that is the most problematic.
What hours do you need the person for on the night shift? Whats teh night shift - once a week?
Both you and Rob work it?
Tina - Why don't you talk to Stacy? It might be a long shot, but her school/work schedule might be light enough that she can manage, though I can't say for sure?
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