Monday, September 10, 2007

Can I be the pool boy?

We have yet another visitor to our little community this week. A man named Mark showed up here Thursday night to work in this store until today and now has gone down to Ft. Providence to replace Adrian. He is from Manitoba, our age and a really good guy. He showed up here with his dog Tia, which is so far the cutest mutt I have ever seen. My only regret is that I didn't get a picture of her before they left. Her face is half shepard, half husky (in color) and is divided right down her nose. We had Mark over last night for a great feed of moose, which the guys barbequed after marinating it all day in beer. It was amazing. As the even wore on, of course there was reference to my "2 husbands", since Adam is still here. I joked that I didn't know what I would call Mark, as I already have 2 husbands and a Mexican hooker (Adrian). Without missing a beat, he pipes up "Can I be the pool boy?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
