Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Boo Day
I have also decided to try my hand at substituting at the school. Initially I wanted to do this at Colby's school but since the daycare here didn't work out that didn't happen. We are lucky enough to have another community 10 minutes up the road that also has a school. Their school is from P-12 and they have a daycare on site for staff and students. So, I called there last week asking them if I would be able to use their daycare if I substituted in their school. As anyone in the North knows, the schools are desperate for reliable substitute teachers. So, I have been slowly introducing Joey to the daycare. I think the issue we had with the one over here has made him really nervous about daycare. We have been there 3 days so far, with today being the first day I left him there. The last 2 days we have gone and stayed about an hour and I stayed with him. Today I left him for an hour and went down to the library. He cried the entire time. Tomorrow I will be leaving him for 2 hours, and Friday I will leave him for the morning. Starting Monday I will be subbing in the school and he will be there for the full day. The best thing about this daycare is they are used to "southern" kids, as 1/2 of the kids there are teachers kids. Children in the north are raised very differently than children from the south, where as kids from the north are so used to being left with other people that daycare is not an issue. Kids like Joey who spend most of their time with their parents tend to be nervous and cry at first in daycare. This is why the daycare in this community didn't work. The daycare workers at the school are accustomed to kids crying, and know what to do to give kids like Joey time to adjust on his own. They keep assuring me he will be fine, and even this morning when I picked him up they again assured me that he will be fine, because "he has to get used to it". Which is true. I want to work up here, and the financial goals we have set can be achieved much faster if there are 2 incomes. Here's hoping!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Donair recipe
3 pounds lean hamburger (triple ground*) (I used a food processor)
3/4 cup bread crumbs
2 tsp pepper
1-2 tsp cayenne red pepper (depending on your taste, I found this was REALLY hot)
1 1/2 tsp oregano
3 tsp paprika
2 tsp onion powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp salt
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Knead for 20 minutes. Shape into two tightly formed loaves. Bake on broiler pan for 2 to 2 1/2 hours at 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Cool loaves and slice into thin slices.
I re-heated mine in the frying pan with a little bit of oil to crisp it up.
3/4 c white sugar
3/4 c canned milk
1/8 c vinegar
Mix the milk and sugar until dissolved. Add the vinegar and stir 3-4 times only. Let stand 1 hour. It should thicken. I stirred mine too much and it was like soup so I just added some corn starch and it thickened it right up.
Defination of cruel
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Someone talk me out of this
A taste of home
We're heading off to a halloween party today that the teachers are having for the kids. Our contribution? Lady fingers!
This was Colby waiting for the bus to go back to school Friday.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Holy crap!
It doesn't take much to make my day
Friday, October 26, 2007
Come on people!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
From the weather network today
Crazy days in the Schwartz house
Monday, October 22, 2007
That Cavier is a garnish!
"Mommy, how much longer is it?"
"Are we in Yellowknife yet?"
"Joey hit me".
"I gotta pee".
We went to Traders Grill, in the Explorer Hotel. The atmosphere is very cosy, there is a big fireplace right in the middle of the room. We sat near the window, and watched snow fall. Our dinner started with appitizers of steamed mussels for Rob, and bacon wrapped scallops for me. (I have been craving scallops for the last couple of weeks so I was more than excited to see them on the menu). Then with our dinner came a caesar salad. I was expecting a side salad, but NO, it was a FULL plate. By this time I'm wondering if I made a mistake ordering appitizers, knowing the main course was still on it's way. Then along came the prime rib steak and lobster tails. (Yes, we splurged, but in our defence we were TOLD to). I didn't care much for the lobster, but the rest was quite good. I couldn't finish the steak, it was just too big. Then we thought "What the hell" and ordered dessert to split. New York Cheesecake. It was fabulous.
Rob and I started talking about how much time is flying since we've been here. We're going into our 6th month living up here. We also realized next month we will be together 13 years, and next year we will be celebrating our 10 year anniversary. Due to all this time together, we tend to think of things at the same time. This seems to happen more and more the longer we're together. Here's a great example:
When the cheesecake arrived, we were chatting about something. Rob took a forkful of cheesecake and then started to scrape a little bit of the "drizzle" around the cake. I immediately thought of Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks in "You've Got Mail" when they were at a dinner party and he scraped the cavier off a dish. She looked at him and said "That cavier is a garnish!". No sooner did this thought finish in my head when Rob looked at me and said
"That cavier is a garnish!"
We laughed so hard I nearly cried. I am so lucky to have such a great husband who thinks like I do and shares my sense of humor.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
She's here!

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Date Night!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
So sad
This was in today's news. This happened here. Alcoholism is a very big problem in this community, like many northern communities. I did not know this man but Rob did.