Colby started a mail journal to Nanny and Gramma. He wrote to them everyday for a week and then we mailed it back home. This is him reading his journal from Gramma. The feather you see on the page is "a tickle from the tickle queen". He loved it as you can see.
Joey has started potty training. Everytime I take his diaper off he decides he has to pee. I'm not pushing it yet until next week when Colby is in school and it's just the two of us. Although it looks like he's playing with it in this picture he's actually not. At least that's what I want to believe.
This is first fast food the boys have had since we were home on vacation.
That last picture of Joey is pretty darn cute! Hunter fell asleep in the truck with his bottle in his mouth and held on to it for over 1/2 an hour!
We started using the potty with Hunter too. I put him on it whenever I go, and before bathtime we strip him down and set him on it. So far nothing, but hopefully it works!
Good luck with the potty training. None of mine were even interested till they were almost 3. We have a landfill named in our honor. (Oh, and yes he is probably playing with is inbred in all males to routinely check throughout the day that IT is still there).
My son was trained very quickly right after turning two. For us we gave him a sticker every time he'd use the potty to put on it and it worked like a charm. He was pretty much converted within 3 days. Now it's only pull ups at nap time and bed time.
If the movie Cars is his big thing right now buy some themed stickers and give it a try.
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