Saturday, October 11, 2008

It's really a family affair

Tomorrow we are having Thanksgiving dinner. We have friends coming over, and the house will be full. I was thinking earlier today that I can't say anything about the dinner tomorrow will be my original recipe or idea. The turkey is the way my parents always made it, (bacon in the shape of an "x" across the top), the dressing is my mom's recipe, salt beef, cabbage, turnip, carrots all cooked together the way mom does, Connie's onion loaf cooked like peas pudding but MUCH better tasting, Dad's gravy with David's "brown flavor" in the gravy (Crosse &Blackwell Gravy Browning) for that "brown taste", (it says right on the front of the bottle "Adds no flavor").. as a side note to that, there can be a bottle of that exact brand found in my Aunt's kitchen, right Aunt Rosemary?.. anyways, and lemon tarts and Dad's famous apple crisp for dessert. (They are Dad's famous because the first time we made it when I lived at home we put the crumble on both the bottom AND the top, so it's more like brown sugar-oat crumble with a few apple slices). So, because of all this I am adding my own addition this year. Blueberry Crisp. Yes, I know it's Apple Crisp with blueberries instead of apples, but it's one of my favorites. Here's hoping all that come tomorrow bring big appetites with them!


Mongoose said...

I think it's awesome that your whole Thanksgiving dinner is "handed down" from loved ones. Isn't that what Thanksgiving is all about? Maybe twenty years from now you'll be having Thanksgiving dinner at Colby and his wife's house and it will be your same Thanksgiving dinner, complete with blueberry crisp. :)

Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

I want to come!!

Anonymous said...

Me too!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving. Sounds like you are going to have an awesome day!
Mary Lou