Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Adventuring around town

The boys and I went over to the Assembly tonight, as it was just too hot to stay in the house.

I loved this woman. It's almost 30 degrees here but she's keeping her jacket firmly closed!

This is the shot that I've wanted to take since I moved here. I love looking at the faces of the elderly women when they smile, it lights up their face. This shot was taken with the zoom lens so she didn't know I was taking it. She was smiling at Colby talking to Joey in his stroller.

I went to Yellowknife yesterday to get some stuff for the store (that is another post all together) and I drove THIS truck. Ford F250. By far the biggest vehicle I have ever driven. I"M IN LOVE!

He finally kept a hat on! And yes to those who recognize it, this is Colby's hat!

The kids here love to jump off the bridge. The first time I saw this my heart nearly stopped. I found out from one of them that there is a 12 ft drop in the middle. The river doesn't look wide enough to support a jump from this height! This is the bridge that connects the Island we live on to the mainland. This is the view of the Assembly from my doorstep, with the zoom lens. Just some candids I took today at lunch time.

For those of you wondering, I have not sold Colby to the locals. He is at a point in his life that he does not like to have his picture taken, so most of the pictures I try to take of him are of the palm of his hand. I am trying though!


Valentina said...

Gorgeous pictures!

Anonymous said...

the pic look great you know momill want them lol