Joey was awake this morning at 5:30 and would not go back down for a nap at all today. He ended up sleeping in his crib for about 45 minutes after lunch and then when he woke up we snuggled on the couch for an hour. He woke again and was just so cranky that I put him on the floor in a moment of frusteration (and I had to pee). When I came back, this is how I found him. The last picture I took just as he woke up, 1/2 hour later.
wow, tina has he ever grown up,from the last time I seen him. He's beautiful, and I'm so proud of my three grandsons, colby,joey and alan,lots of love Mom
Too cute!
How is it that kids in overalls look so much cuter?
There's an "aaaawwwww" moment. Not to mention the "Thank You God!" that you probably uttered next. Did he wake up all happy?
Wish my baby was still small, they sure do grow.. Your baby so handsome lil' baby.. L
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