Saturday, January 31, 2009
Just for Dad
Thursday, January 29, 2009
For Adam
A little help from my friends
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Ice sculpture
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
For Tawny
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Look what I found!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
In just one word......
Where is your cell phone? kitchen
Significant other? Rob
Your hair? blah
Your mother? independant
Your father? angel
Your favorite thing? camera
Your dream last night? none
Your favorite drink? coffee
Your dream/goal? studio
What room are you in? livingroom
Your hobby? reading
Your fear? death
Where do you want to be in 6 years? north
Where were you last night? Meadow
Something that you aren't? Impulsive
Muffins? blueberry
Something you wish for? patience
Last thing you did? pictures
What are you wearing? sweats
TV? drama
Your pets? none
Friends? online
Your life? limbo
Your mood? content
Missing someone? always
Drinking? rarely
Smoking? No
Your car? changing
Something you're not wearing? socks
Your favorite store? Northern!
Your favorite colour? blue
When is the last time you cried? Saturday
Where do you go to over and over? Northern
Five people who read the blog regularly? Jen, Kara, Mom, Nicole, Chris
My favorite place to eat? Chinese
Favorite place I'd like to be right now? Bed
My challenge to you is to try this. It's not as easy as it looks!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Pictures from the last couple days

Monday, January 19, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Pictures from today

Daddy and Joey shovelling. Notice Rob is wearing sneakers!

Boys and their toys. Rob decided it would be fun to tow Colby on his sled up and down our street with the tow cable on the truck. Colby loved it! The rest of these pictures can be found HERE
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I really am a rotten wife
Alrighty I'll play too
And as for tagging 6 people, well if you see this and you haven't done it, you're tagged!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009

I can't believe I forgot to post this picture. This is toutons, which I thoroughly enjoyed for breakfast on Sunday morning. Toutons are fried bread dough, slathered in butter and molasses. And along with my morning Tim Horton's coffee in my spiffy Tim Horton's collector mug (Thanks Mom!) it was worth the wait.
I also couldn't resist posting this picture. Colby's class cleaned our their desks on Friday and after wading through the half finished coloring pages and Pokemon drawings, I found this. This was for their "Anti Smoking / Drug Week". I took it to work and laminated it. I'm making a collection of their work for a set of placemats, so we can enjoy their artwork every night.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Friday, January 09, 2009
What is happening to me???
The preschool I work at has a parents night every month, where parents are invited to come for a meal and "something else". Once time it was making scrapbooks, another was a traditional christmas Metis pudding, another was how to cook meat loaf.. well, you get the idea. Everything you need is supplied at no cost, and supper is always cooked before hand. They had one planned for today for "bread making". I am now realizing that not a lot of people in this community make their own bread. Well, unfortunately since today's event was planned for the morning instead of the normal evening time, no one but me showed up. Now, I know how to make bread. I grew up watching my mother make it. She tried numerous times to teach me this skill, but I stubbornly refused. I have tried it since I have moved home a few times, but lack of patience prevented me from turning out a good batch of bread. Anyways, we got chatting this morning and I mentioned to the ladies there that I know how to make bread, and somehow ended up volunteering myself to teach them how to do it one day this week at work. I also tried to explain toutons to them, and now they all want to try them. ( If you know what a touton is, your mouth is probably watering right now thinking of that warm butter and molasses, and if you have a puzzled look right now, well you'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out). So, I called mom tonight and asked her the ingredients for her bread. In true Newfoundland fashion she said:
"Well, every batch is different since I don't use a recipe but you just need" ...... (sorry, the rest is top secret)
So tomorrow I'm going to try to make bread. I can't very well go in there and teach them how to make it without first making it myself. Check back late tomorrow night for either a picture of a beautiful loaf of bread and toutons, or a burnt pan and a pissed off self portrait.
A great mommy moment
"Dance Mommy?"
Really, who can say no to that? And thanks to the DVR, we were able to rewind it 3 times and danced and laughed like fools all around the livingroom.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
A big thanks to everyone
Along with this, (which I was told I had to wear all day and who am I to argue with 3 and 4 year olds) there was a big Happy Birthday sign in the window and a cake waiting for me. All the kids sang Happy Birthday to me and of course, helped me eat the cake and ice cream. Have I mentioned how much I love my job?