Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Goodby 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Christmas portraits
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Me and my guys

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas from Ile a la Crosse

The rest of the pictures can be seen here.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
She's here!!!

Merry Christmas Eve!

I love you Trudie!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
It's good to be back!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Sexiest Santa ever
Santa arrived at the preschool today. The top picture is one of the teacher's newest daughter, who is only 2 weeks old. Joey in the middle didn't realize it was Daddy in that costume and was not scared at all. The bottom picture is my favorite. This little guy was telling Santa it couldn't be the "real" Santa, because the real Santa is at the North Pole. The kids loved him and not surprisingly, he was awesome!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Happy Birthday Rob
Happy birthday honey. Today you got the best gift of all, 20/20 vision. We love you very much!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Crazy coincidences
Friday, December 12, 2008
The last pictures taken on my camera
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Why we haven't really been posting

In other news, we have started to receive packages and christmas cards from home. We received 2 boxes from Mom and a box from Gramma Jeannine yesterday, along with a few cards. We have also had some great news from the insurance company who is handling the break-in claim. Everything is set to go and things should be replaced as soon as next week. I also have families booked to come to the house next week for family / christmas pictures, so I'm itching to get my hands on my new camera! I should have it by next Tuesday if all goes as planned. The preschool that I work at put a note on their December newsletter that I do photography and my phone has been ringing steady! Woo hoo!
Speaking of work, when I accepted this job in October there was a condition on my contract stating that it may only be until December, as I was covering a maternity leave. I found out 2 weeks ago that she was in fact coming back and my last day of work would be December 18. I was inwardly upset, but I knew this was a possibility. Well, I got a call the end of last week informing me that she will be taking a job in the elementary school and if I wanted to extend my contract at the preschool until June I could. Yee-freakin-ha! It was confirmed today and I sign the new contract tomorrow. I really love this job and love the women I work with. Who would have ever thought I would be a preschool teacher??
Monday, December 08, 2008
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Thursday, December 04, 2008
An update
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Just like Connie
Friday, November 28, 2008
The past few days
I posted pictures on Facebook of both the break in and the trip. If you want to see the break in pictures, click HERE, and if you want to see the pictures of the trip, click here
CSI: Saskatchewan
This week started out great. We left for Saskatoon Tuesday morning for a couple medical appointments and an overnight trip. We had a great time, enjoying the hotel and the pool. Joey and Colby loved playing in the pool with Rob, and of course pictures will follow shortly.
On our way back, we received a phone call from Rob's grocery manager that our house had been broken into. She received a call from one of the women I work with at the preschool wondering if we were back because our door was wide open. She came right down to the house and called the cops. We figure it was kids looking for money. They smashed our TV and computer monitor, ransacked the house, stole Colby's PS2 and all his games (but left the power supply and all the controllers), Rob's rifle (this is the heartbreaker for him as this was his grandfather's gun), my Canon Rebel, Colby's portable DVD player, (plus a lot of other stuff) and then left the fridge and freezer wide open, spoiling all our food. The worst part about it is that when we got back into town yesterday the cops couldn't let us in the house because they were waiting for the "crime scene specialists" to come in, and they wouldn't be here until today. It was heartbreaking to look at our house with a big wooden board across the door to keep it closed. I kept looking for Gil Grissom, and when the member showed up, that is what I nicknamed him.
I honestly had a hard time with it at first, not knowing what was taken or destroyed in the house. My mind kept going over what we had in the house, and it was things like the kids baby photo albums that were in drawers, the ENTIRE box of christmas gifts I have in my closet, our home movies, etc. They also completely ripped apart Rob's closet that we call "man land" which has his tools, etc. The contents of that closet were all over the kitchen floor. We figure they were looking for money. We have offered a reward for the return of Rob's gun. We have insurance to cover everything else, but it's just a royal pain in the ass. Luckily the community has been very supportive, everything from offering to help clean the house and cook to taking care of the boys while we cleaned up. I realize now it's just material stuff, stuff can all be replaced.
And to explain the first sentence. Since the laptop was stolen and the monitor was smashed, it meant we would have to wait for internet at home until we replaced the monitor. Honestly, the thought made me sick. I'll admit it. I'll stand up and scream "MY NAME IS TINA AND I'M ADDICTED TO THE INTERNET". My most amazing, fabulous husband came home tonight with a 19' flatscreen TV to use as a monitor until we get ours replaced, which is how I'm now telling you the story. I love my husband.
Monday, November 24, 2008
I LOVE these women!
If I had a dime for every exposed breast I have seen recently, I’d have about a buck-fifty. And I don’t hang out at those nude beaches that have become so popular. What I am talking about here is public breast feeding. One of the women in my quilting group has three daughters. I can’t remember a time in recent memory when one of them wasn’t pregnant. The last time we were at her house, her youngest daughter was there with her three boys. So in the middle of quilting I look over and she’s sitting there fully exposed feeding the baby. In my day, you left the room and came back about 20 minutes later -often times wearing your blouse inside out by mistake. But times have changed so I just looked away. But then her four year old came into the room and said, “ChiChi Momma. ChiChi“ And I wouldn’t have believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes, but the four year old reached up and grabbed his momma’s ”ChiChi” and had himself a little milk with his cookies. Well you could have knocked me over with a feather. It seems that all three of her daughters are members of that La Leche group. Well, I don’t know how far this group is willing to take it, but if a child is old enough to ask for it, their too old to see it. And if a 4 year old ever grabs for one of my breasts their going to get their hand slapped. Now a 44 year old is another story but don’t tell Harold I said that. Breastfeeding is fine by me. But putting it out there for everyone to see is like chewing with your mouth open. It’s just not polite. And that’s all I have to say about that.
From Margaret
First of all Helen, what did my bird ever do to you? Believe it or not dear, I have to agree with you 100% on this one. I know they say breastfeeding is a natural bodily function, but so is a bowel movement. You don’t see people dropping their drawers and doing that in the middle of your living room, now do you? For goodness sakes Helen. Let me pick the topic next time. That’s it. I’m done.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sheet titty!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Canadian Blog Awards
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
A change of pace
To anonymous
Monday, November 17, 2008
The Great White Hunter FINALLY gets his buck.
Happy birthday Chenell ladies!